ch. 18

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  I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine. I looked down and saw I was put into the mint dress and boots I had on the first time I killed...that was with Jane for people who don't remember. I looked around and strangely the room I was standing in felt familiar some how. I then saw a strange man walk in...he looked like the Devil in a way. Right then I knew who that was and were I breathed.

  " Z-Zelgo." I whispered. A smile spread across my face and I hugged him.

  " My baby girl.." He said faintly. I know this sounds weird but my mother had an affair with Lord Zelgo and they had me. She never told Dad or anyone. While Daddy was at work Zelgo would come and be like my second dad. After daddy passed and so did mom he never came around. Alex never knew nor did my aunt or my uncle.

  " Why did you leave?" I asked in a little kid voice. I felt tears hit my hair and I looked up to see his eyes watery.

 " I had to. I didn't want to... Slender Man made me stay away. He didn't mean to harm me or you. But if I got caught with you people would have said you are a demon. Witch you kinda are... but I couldn't...I couldn't see you grow up and become such a monster. I stayed away so I wouldn't ruin your life completely." He started backing up like he was scared of me. I nodded and asked the one thing I shouldn't have.

 " So can I go back?" His eyes inflamed and his voice turned deep.

 " You may not leave this place ever!" He yelled. My lip quivered and my eyes watered at the thought of never seeing Jeff or Slendy...or Alex.

  " But Lord I have Alex and Jeff! Please?! Please" I begged. He shook his head and walked out. I fell to my knees and cried in my hands.

-----------5 weeks later...sorry for the time skip..----

     I lay in bed facing the dark wall. I heard someone walk in and I didn't bother to even look or bother who it was.

 " Nay please at least eat." Lord begged. He used the only nickname he gave me.

 " If you let me go I promise to come back once every 5 months...please" I said in a weak voice still facing the wall.

 " Fine but I swear you don't come back in 5 months I will do something I don't want to." He warned. I grinned and shooed him out to get dressed. I put on the dress and boots and slipped out. One of the guards led me out and I sprinted all the way to Slendy's place. I heard my name ahead and kept running. I ran right into Jeff's arms. I cried into his shoulder. He kissed me and I hugged him again. We stood there for a few minutes until Slendy came up to me. I grinned and was picked up and hugged like he would hug his own child.

 " Haya I missed you." He whispered. He let me down and I grabbed Jeff's hand. We walked hand in hand back to the house.

  ( Ello people! Sorry for the shortish chapter. <3 ya!)

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