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  The rain. God damn it I hate the rain. Why does it have to rain? Especially now? I think to myself as I run home without an umbrella. The house's light is on, so Shawn must be home. I hoped he had an umbrella. 

  My shoulder aches from sitting in the office all day, and then cursing my boss through the extra work time after seven. It's now eight and I'm finally home. 

  I sigh loudly as I walk up the stairs to my house. Mars barks at me loudly, always happy that I'm home. I pat him briefly, then give him a kiss on a head along with a treat from the jar. I'm guessing he likes the treat better because of all the saliva. 

  "Rain? You're home!" Shawn's voice comes from the kitchen, making my heart jumps happily. Oh, did I mention my name is Rain? Ironic, isn't it? I wonder who chose that name. 

  I walk through the short passage toward the kitchen and am greeted by Shawn's grinning face. "Well, Hello, lovely!" 

  "Hello to you too-" I look him up and down, realizing he's wearing a suit "-handsome. Where're you heading off to?" 

  He has a glint in his eyes, that says he's hiding something. "Nowhere. Why?"

  I squint my eyes in suspicion. "Well, you're wearing a suit. That's one thing. And another thing, your hair's a gelled up."

  His mouth splits into a wide grin and he winks at me. "Who says I have to be going somewhere when looking handsome." He puts his hands on my shoulders and gently turns me around so I face the kitchen. "Close your eyes." He whispers in my ears. 

  I giggle lightly from the ticklish feeling. "Okay, but you better be wearing clothes when I open them." 

  "Of course, m'lady." He answers, moving his eyebrows up and down. I laugh and close my eyes. 

    His hands lightly push me forward in the direction of the dining room, I'm assuming. "Don't open them." 

  "Okay, okay." I reply, taking small steps forward. "Don't make me bump into anything."

  "I'll try my very best." He replies cheekily. 

  Cheeky bastard. 

  Finally, he stops me from walking any further and says "Okay, open your eyes. Slowly."

  I open my eyes and adjust to the light. And my breath gets caught in my lung. "Oh shit."

  The dining room's light is on low, and about twenty candles surround the dining table, giving off a soft circle of light. Two plates of steak are all the dining tables, with the forks and knives placed delicately next to them. And an elegant vase sits in the middle of the table, holding a bunch of roses in them, and a small pink card clipped to the vase, with I Love You Rain. written on it in Shawn's familiar cursive. 

  Shawn frowns lightly "You're cursing because...you don't like it?" 

  I laugh "Are you serious? I love it! I'm cursing because...because I LOVE YOU" 

  "Okay that's a strange way to declare love but I guess I love you for your strangeness so like okay." 

  I grin sheepishly, not really sure how to respond to all this. "Did you cook the steaks?"

  He smirks widely "Oh yes I did. But before we start eating, I want to do something."

  I look at him confusedly "Okay...but what-" My sentence gets muffled as he gently pulls my head forward and graces his lips against mine. My eyes open wide for a second. Then I close them to enjoy the kiss. 

  His lips feel so soft against mine, and yet still manages to create the desired friction that warms our kiss. His mouth opens lightly and his tongue prompts my lips to open lightly. I open my mouth and bite his tongue playfully. His lips form a smile as I finally release his tongue, letting it explore my mouth. 

  My tongue pushes against his after two seconds, and when I finally win, I laugh and pull away. "Wow, I so wasn't expecting that."

  He looks at me, pouting. "Well, my tongue wasn't expecting that, either. I bet your teethmark is on it." 

  I grin and give him a peck on the cheek. "But that's okay. Because you love me." 


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