Chapter 7

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(F/N) carefully brushed the numerous tangles out of Sawyer's long dark brown hair "AAAHHH!" She screamed "Don't pull so hard you little snitch!" She screeched at (F/N), purposely ducking and squirming so (F/N) would tug on her hair unwillingly. "I'm sorry, I'll do better next time." (F/N) had to force out through her teeth as politely as she could. Sawyer huffed in anger and snorted. (F/N) continued to brush and style her hair.

She was currently getting her stepsisters ready for the ball. They were both squeezed into tiny corsets ~much to Regan's displeasure. She couldn't fit into hers~ and were wearing HUGE ~and I mean HUGE~ puffy dresses, with mountains and mountains of fabric for the skirts and big puffy ribbons on the backs. They could barely walk in them. Of course their dresses were decorated with a somewhat excessive amount of glittering jewels of matching colors for their dresses, and fairly large stupid ribbons.

Regan's dress was a beautiful shade of maroon, and Sawyer's was a dark teal green, that looked like someone had grabbed a bush then made a dress out of it. (F/N) had spent four hours of screaming and slapping trying to get them into them, then another two hours doing Regan's hair, and was now working on Sawyer's. They were both going for the hair-covered-gem-glitter-covered look. They were both wearing somewhat very thick layers of makeup with fairly huge splotches of eyeshadow the same to match their dresses, and somewhat fairly too much lipstick. They looked completely beautiful.

Two hours later (F/N) finished with Sawyer's hair. She looked in the mirror, turning her head from side to side then turned up her nose "It will do." She huffed "Anyways, I looked stunning in any hairstyle I have and any dress I wear." She twittered "The men will be falling at my feet they'll be so blinded by my beauty. They'll be begging to dance with me." She giggled "The prince will fall in love with me the minute he lays his gorgeous green eyes on me, and then he'll ask me to marry him and I'll be princess!" She squealed. "Yeah right." (F/N) thought rolling her eyes. You'll be completely stunning, but not in the way you hope..........I think they'll be blinded for an entirely different reason.....

(F/N) bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. As for the prince.....I seriously doubt it. Regan flounced in "Don't be idiotic Sawyer." She huffed. Wow Regan used a larger word than food "He's obviously going to fall head over heels for me." She crowed "In your dreams." Sawyer sneered "Once he sees my unmatchable beauty, he won't be able to think about any other woman except me." They started to scream at each other, squabbling. (F/N) sat down on a stool, crossed her legs, and held the hairbrush until they were finished.

A loud clap broke their argument. (F/N), Sawyer and Regan turned to see Valentina standing in the doorway, dressed in a just as huge, puffy dress ~which was bright magenta, which was sore on the eyes to look at but at least it was a little better than Sawyer and Regan's dresses~ with the same gem covered glitter covered hairstyle, same slightly extravagant makeup, hands on her hips, scowling and looking just as beautiful as Sawyer and Regan.

"What are you girls doing?" She snapped. Sawyer and Regan stopped fighting and stared at the ground "Proper young ladies don't squabble like children." She barked "You'll never catch the prince's eye at this rate." "Sorry mother." Sawyer and Regan chorused. Valentina smiled "But of course, no one in the kingdom will outshine my daughters. The prince will have a hard time choosing." She said.

"Well he'll choose me of course!" Sawyer and Regan both exclaimed in unison. They both glared at each other "The carriage will be here soon. (F/N), get out. Since you clearly don't have a dress you won't be going." Her stepmother said coldly. Sawyer and Regan snickered "Why should a peasant go anyways? She's not important." Sawyer said "Imagine, the prince might actually be in her presence." Regan sneered "He'll have to hold his nose to bear with her stench." They both laughed loudly "Excuse me your highness." Sawyer simpered, mimicking (F/N) "Would you mind holding my broom?" They burst into peals of laughter, Valentina joining in. (F/N) decided it would be best to leave.

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