Chapter 6-Face Time

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*Chapter 6 -Face Time*

Harry's POV

I cant sleep because that memory flash right at me.

Did she ......

My decision is final.

I will court her.

Tin's Pov

I spend my night at the livingroom. Why cant I forget that. Why cant I sleep.

I stand and go to the kitchen.

I open the refrigerator and pick the milk.

I sitted at thesofa and turn the tv on.

Lianna's POV

I hear someone downstairs. I check at the clock and its 3:00 am. I pick my robe and go downstairs.

I saw my Daughter sitting at the coach .

"Hey Kiddo.. Still up"

I said while sitting beside her.

"yeah. I cant sleep"

"Why is there any problem?"

"Umm..Mom dont be shock ."

"Why are we having coffesion time here. "

"Mom. Just dont be shock"

"Yeah I will not"


I never expected that..................

Omgawds did she says she kiss that guy.


"You kiss the guy!!! omg Tin im so proud at u"

Tin's POV

proud at me!!?? Really Mom... I never though that your going to be proud at me.But thanks Mom.

"Thanks Mom" I said to while I walking to her direction and hug her. This feels so good. I wonder whats the feeling if My parents get back together again.

Anyways we says good night to each other and I made my self up to my room again.

I turn on my Laptop and made my self go to facebook. Anyways there's no classes tommorow because its sunday.

I check the chat box to see whose online in this moment.

And there's this pop sound that indicates that some has send me a message.

I check it up and its Harry. I wonder why he is still up in this moment.

*-*Chat *****

(C-Tin and H-Harry)

H-Hey. Why are u still up ??? its 3:30 in the morning??

C-Good Morning. I cant sleep so I got my self online at this time.

H-Cant sleep??? I wonder why???

C-Shut up Styles. Anyways Why are u still up??? U told a while back u will have recording later at 8???

H-Cant sleep also because I cant stop thinking about that kiss.:*

I blushed because he make me think that again!!

C-Heheehehe..Way to go Styles. U made me think that again.Urggg

H-Hahah..Why cant sleep also because of that??? Miss Schmidt may I ask u a question?

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