Undercover isn't so bad after all

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Post season 4, imagine the part that Coulson was taken to space never really happened.

They had to go undercover to a bar for an unknown 084. May was wearing a dark red, sexy, tight, short dress with some black heels. Coulson was wearing a nice tux, the same one he always wore for undercover.

He went to her room to see if she was ready. He knocked on the door and when she opened he was stunned. She was beautiful, stunning, goddess like.

All he could say was "wow, you look nice, well not that you don't always look nice, but now you look extra nice" he was such an idiot. He knew that they agreed on taking a few steps back but he really doesn't want to.

She did a light chuckle and said "not too bad yourself" but damn he looked hella fine. She wished they could take a couple of steps forward rather than back but what can she do, it's what they agreed on.

They headed out and went to the bar in Lola. Their undercover names this mission were Lucy Wang and James Smith. Supposedly, their undercover characters have never met the other so no talking this mission, not that she didn't mind, she was never really the talkative one of the two.

Once they were at the bar they decided to split up to get closer to the 084 without people noticing them. May or "Lucy" just sat at the bar flirting with everyone she saw and "James" just started dancing in the middle of the dance floor hoping for someone to join him. He was such an idiot.

Ever since he got May back, he can't keep his eyes off her, he always checks on her every couple of minutes, hoping that she's still there and not in some underwater lab. But when Coulson looks for May he sees her kissing some stranger, seeing the strangers hand going down her back close to her ass. He tried to act normal but damn it was hard to when he sees the girl he has had a crush on for 20 or more years kissing someone else. He knows that she feels the same but they agreed to take a couple of steps back. He needed a distraction. Luckily, a woman who looked to be in her late 40's came up to him and asked him to dance with her.

When the stranger started leaning in for a kiss, May couldn't pull away because that would blow her cover so of course she had to kiss him! Even though she didn't want to, all she could think was imagine that he was Phil. It helped for a couple of seconds but then she started pulling away when his hand was lowering fairly close to her ass.

"Well, that was good but I have to go to the ladies restroom so if you'll excuse me." Biggest lie in her life. That kiss was probably the worst kiss she has ever had in her life. Before he could answer she left to the bathroom to get as far away from the strange man as possible. When she sees the man leaving with another woman she knows the coast is clear so she can come out, but on her way she was looking for Coulson and saw some woman grinding on him. He looked very uncomfortable. She knew they decided on a couple of steps back but she's not sure how long she can do this whole steps back bullshit. She started feeling jealous which is one of the reasons why she hated going undercover with Coulson. She snaps out of her thoughts when she sees the woman making out with Coulson. She was furious, she knew Coulson was not enjoying the kiss either judging by how his eyes were searching everywhere for her until finally their eyes met and he relaxed, screw undercover and "taking a few steps back"

When his eyes met hers he felt like he could finally relax knowing she was ok. Once he pulled away from the woman he saw May right behind her. She tapped on the woman's shoulder and said "excuse me"
"Yes? Can I help you?"
"Yes you can, by getting your skank ass out of this club and off my man." May said in the loudest voice Coulson has ever heard her speak in. He had to admit, it's pretty sexy. He's hoping this is real but it's probably just a dramatic undercover act even though their characters have never met.
"I beg your pardon?"
"You heard me. Now get out before I make you get out." Now he knew for sure this was not undercover, "Lucy" had no experience in fighting and didn't even know who the hell was "James". Their covers were about to be blown, he needed to calm her down and come up with something. Well, nobody really knew that their characters have never met, screw "taking a couple of steps back".

"Who do you think you are?"
"Oh you have no-" she was cut off by Coulson quickly grabbing her hand and pressing his mouth against hers. It felt so much better than what she imagined. So soft, gentle, and slow. When they pulled away Coulson was smiling and the woman had left, probably thinking that they were together.

"Been waiting to do that since academy" he whispered in her ear.
"I know that we decided to take a couple of steps back but after seeing you with that guy and Radcliffe taking you I cant handle losing you again, if you want to we can pretend that this didn't happen and we can go back to being friends."

She cannot believe that he felt the same. "Wait, you're kidding right? You think I wanted to do that whole taking a few steps back bullshit. I only agreed to that because I thought that's what you wanted." right after that she gave him a quick peck in the mouth and said "does that give you my answer?"

God she was sexy, he lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers. Once they pulled away he said "Good, cause I don't think I could go back to being friends. I want you, I love you." Oh god did he just say I love you. God Phil, good job, making the girl you have loved for more than 20 years feel unc- he stopped thinking because he felt her lips press against his. This was a soft yet passionate kiss.

Once they pulled away she whispered in his ear, with a smile on her face "I love you too, now let's get the 084 and get out of here." They took an hour to get to the 084, even though it was down the hall, stopping every minute to have a make out break, they have waited for so long, she didn't want to do anything else besides kissing him but she knew they were at work, so she had to stop, eventually.

They grabbed the 084 and went out of the bar, back to base, leaving the 084 in the new directors (Daisy's) office and went running to Coulson's room.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed! I've been out of town so I haven't been able to post sm recently!

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