Never ever would I cause you the most inconspicuous of harm; if you preferred to relinquish every ounce of your life for a complete stranger; whilst neglecting me like a heap of fetid rubbish-in the farthest corner of the trash can,
Never ever would I cause you the most invisible of harm; if you indulged in senseless gossip with your friends for hours immemorial; and then blaming time for not asking me how I lead my entire day,
Never ever would I cause you the most deteriorating of harm; if you admired every insignificant achievement of your close kin; whilst treating each world record of mine as some orphaned jinx fallen from the sky,
Never ever would I cause you the most baseless of harm; if you neatly clipped every piece of literature you'd read all day; whilst proclaiming the infinite lines of my poetry as just a disdainful squandering of time,
Never ever would I cause you the most ethereal of harm; if you spuriously supported me for every weakness of mine; only to outrageously reveal the same to the world outside; blackmailing me for the tiniest loss of my temper,
Never ever would I cause you the most floundering of harm; if you viciously abused and slapped me infront of my own blood; just because I'd fearlessly expressed my individualistic point of view in closed doors,
Never ever would I cause you the most oblivious of harm; if you sanctimoniously entwined your arms in mine; and then cavorted for major part of life with the charismatic clinician of your choice-as I turned behind,
Never ever would I cause you the most insipid of harm; if you blatantly declared each ounce of my passion for my favorite things in life; as insane madness of the highest degree,
Never ever would I cause you the most limpid of harm; if you unsparingly ridiculed me for my gluttony when I was hungry; whereas you plucked countless living leaves of the tree time and again—for ostensibly no reason or rhyme,
Never ever would I cause you the most infinitesimal of harm; if you started to snore like a boundless combined monsters; the instant I tried to uninhibitedly pour the past and present of my heart; beside your collapsing stride,
Never ever would I cause you the most forgetful of harm; if you ignominiously slandered the way I solely listened to my heart and got bankrupt; whilst you assimilated coin over perspiring coin—were an ardent fan of every astute brain who went on to built an emotionless empire,
Never ever would I cause you the most languid of harm; if you diabolically retaliated as if to wholesomely behead me; to just a spurt of my anger which only went to show I was human and not God,
Never ever would I cause you the most frigid of harm; if you laughed louder than the planet outside on each of my follies; showing me the sadistic shade of the devil whilst staying close to my breath all my life,
Never ever would I cause you the most obsolete of harm; if you continued to sleep as the thieves came in and made merry; and then rebuked me for being a coward and not confronting them—thought I was at a distant place that time,
Never ever would I cause you the most non-existent of harm; if you inexhaustibly hummed praises of your close kin though they discarded you; whilst I was the one who came running to the faintest of your cries,
Never ever would I cause you the most disappearing of harm; if you clapped for the very politicians who sat on power thrones; whose foundations gorily rested on innocent blood of my pristine brothers, sisters and benign kin,
Never ever would I cause you the most insouciant of harm; if you cursed me from the innermost ingredients of your blood to die each instant of my destined life—only because I opposed you and your conventionally tyrannical society for lighting venomous crackers to greet and appease the Gods,
Never ever would I cause you the most evanescent of harm; if you tied the nuptial knot with me solely to get a handsome roof to live under-and thereby absolve your kin from the excruciating agonies of an added existence,
Nevertheless wife. Though I would never ever harm even the most mercurial hair on your skin in any manner whatsoever—but for every painful beat of my heart that you were responsible- My silence will speak to you .
You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 16
PoetryThis Book which has 26 differently titled Poems , is actually Part 16 of the Book titled - You die; I die - Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) . Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise...