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Everyone: FINE * everyone walks downstairs and sits on the couch*

Phoenix: ok so @HelenaMadsox asked if you could describe yourself in one sentence what would it be? Also if you could get people to STOP calling you one thing what would it be?

Uni: to describe myself in one sentence it would be this: I'm a artist,I care for my friends. Also to answer your question for people to stop calling me one thing it be salty.

Ashlie: describe myself would be this: I'm a fight, love harry potter. Answering second question would be: cream weasel.

Nick: I'm a friend to other,cares. I said I want people to stop calling me competitive player.

Dawn: Oh um... I'm quiet,I like Minecraft and my friends. And I'm also going to agree with Ashlie I have it has to be cream weasel.

Jon: I speak in 3rd person,I'm nice and sassy. Also I have to agree with Ashlie and dawn for your second question!

Cory: I'm good at the bow & arrow and I like minecraft. I have to chose between camera face or Carl for your second question. 

Tommy: I like puns,and I'm lazy. And I have to also chose emojis face.

Everyone who answed: phoenix? 

Phoenix: Oh right he is my sentence: I like art,I'm a person who identifies as both genders,and I well as for your second question I have to chose boy

Ashlie: boy?

Phoenix: yes it was because I got mad easil one time I was so mad that I punched them and they punched me so I kicked them we got into a fight. I was not kicked out of school though I should have.

Ashlie: oh...

Everyone else: ....

Phoenix: its fine though. Also @HelenaMadsox asked if they could give us cupcakes. And yes you can.

~everyone gets a cupcake and eat it~

Phoenix: I just wanna say not to break the fourth wall but the stories I did mention in here are actual stories from real life out of my phone. And we're also going to end the chapter here make sure to leave a dare before you go or question I will see you in the next one bye!


Ask and dare the Newscapecrew and me! {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now