She dares

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It has been awile since I have done a dare chapter but I wanted to do this thats all I have to say.
Valree: *having a soda*
Scape: *writing about ships*
Blu:*reading a book*
Zres: *playing against tommy in minecraft mini games*
Tommy: *rageing*
Ashlie:*playing minecraft*
Jon:*Taken a nap*
Dawn:*talking to Cory*
Cory:*talking to dawn*
Cory: from who?
Valree: my self that's who
Uni: *crying* why her???
Valree: becuase I can anyways I dare Cory to kiss the person who he hates the most then I dare Nick and Dres to play 7 minutes in heaven. Lastly I dare everyone but blu and scape in a dress.
Cory: Why not blu and scape?
Valree: I said so that's why
Ashlie: *Runs off to get everyone's dress and then comes back*
<<Jon's dress>>

Cory: Why not blu and scape?Valree: I said so that's whyAshlie: *Runs off to get everyone's dress and then comes back*<<Jon's dress>>

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<<Nicks dress>>

<<Corys dress>>

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<<Corys dress>>

<<Dawns dress>>

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<<Dawns dress>>

<<Dawns dress>>

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<<Unis dress>>

<<Tommy dress>>

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<<Tommy dress>>

<<Ashlies dress>>

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<<Ashlies dress>>

<<Valree's dress>>

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<<Valree's dress>>

~~Cory: I hate my dress and I make it look bad

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Cory: I hate my dress and I make it look bad...
Uni: Cory you look amazing in your dress
Cory: t-thanks uni *blushes*
Scape: Cory you have to do your dare to.
Cory: fine *kisses tommy* Happy?
Valree: yup
Tommy: I hate you all dinkweeds
Valree: ok whatever
Blue: *shoves Dres and Nick in the closet*
Nick: I hate you all!
Dres: whatever
*they just end up fighting the whole seven minutes anyways*
Valree: Make sure to leave a dare (or ask) before you go and I will see you in the next chapter

Ask and dare the Newscapecrew and me! {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now