look at what you made me do

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Damon ' s pov
I was happy that Elena is jealous of Rebekah but I don't like her like that. we did just talked, all night. She is obessed with the busboy. When I learned that Esther is planning to kill her children, I had mix feelings. I hated Klaus for the longest time, but Rebekah and Elijah don't dressve that, I have to protect them. " I need to see a friend. don't wait up. " I said " okay. " louis said went back to feeding on a girl. I shook my head. I went to California to see our great nephew who is a witch. The Salvatore family were
until Katherine came and ruin us. When I arrived at our Californian mansion.

I parked my car and I knocked

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I parked my car and I knocked

"Hey! uncle Damon what up man? why are you doing here? " he asked (unlike zac Liam actually likes me

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"Hey! uncle Damon what up man? why are you doing here? " he asked (unlike zac
Liam actually likes me . )
" is that to treat your favorite uncle? " I asked " y yes if he looked like the uncle here. " he smirked " I am the vampire I can get you do anything. "I said laughed hugged him. " I missed you. " he said " I did too. " " l said " why are you here? " he asked " the original witch bound her children to each other, if one dies all of them does! " I said " did you want that ? I remember you ranting about how your hatred of the originals. " he said " Elijah said that he will find Steve and Rebekah is not bad, how much I love to see Klaus dead. most of the originals didn't do anything wrong. " I said

"Not the face

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"Not the face. " he groaned " fine I will pack. " he said " thank you love you. " I said " Yeah yeah whatever. "he mumbled

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