I get kidnapped

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Percy is ten now
Percy POV:
Ok I just graduated last year and I am to young for collage and can't go with dad so I take a walk and I now regret that ok so on with the story.
Ok so I was walking back to the house and I get this bad feeling next thing I know I am getting hit on the head with a piece of metal that I later find out was a crowbar but I blackout.
------------------------time skip---------------------------
When I wake up I am handcuffed to a chair and a clown is sitting across from me that's what I call staking. "Ok so your the Joker and why did you kidnap me I mean my dad is on a business trip my brother is gone for the night and my mom is dead so no one will notice" he laughed like a crazy person then leaves and me being me yell "good to know you are going to leave me here" then I use my powers to break the cuffs and then call dad and I called like twenty times and he never answered they went strait to voice mail to I beat the sh*t out of the Joker then drag him to the Police station. When I get there I get this "hello how may I he-" she trailed off and looked at my beat up form and the tied up Joker. A officer can and took the Joker and then someone else came to talk to me this is how that went. "Hi can I ask you some questions" he asked I looked up because I'm tired and said "if it is about the Joker he started it he kidnapped me first" I spilled everything but who my father is and said I was visiting a friend. They never noticed I had a not on my head or that I was limping so when they said I could leave I acted like it was fine then started to walk to a spot to get to Justice League HQ.
------------------------time skip---------------------------
Bruce POV:
I was in the middle of a meeting with JL and JY when my phone went off now my phone is on incase something went wrong at my day job but when I looked at my I.D. and saw Percy I just turned off my phone and went back to the meeting and said it was nothing, then we got news Joker was put in jail and I didn't do it then the real shocker when we heard "Batman guest" and I looked at Robin thinking 'oh no Percy said only if it is really important.
---------------------------time skip------------------------
Third point POV:
Percy got in the zeta tube and said "Batman guest" then it went down and when I got there I heard he team asking Dad who the guest was, so I walked in I got some weird looked probably because I was not wearing a suit and I was covered in blood, and I looked human.

When Percy walked in Bruce was on his feet along with Dick immediately but Percy started yelling at the mm in Greek which he learned from his birth father.
"Percy what are you doing here, and why are you covered in blood and limping" Bruce fired questions speedy fast
"One, the Joker is back in jail your welcome" Percy said "how did you know it is not on the news yet" super man asked Percy replied "wait and you will find out ok then Two, crowbars hurt. Three, what in Hades name were you thinking not answering your phone. And four, I was kidnapped and that is why the joker is in jail after you stopped answering I used you-no-what to make him unconscious then to-" Superman cut him off  "ok kid one don't you have school and two how are you walking much less awake" "what do you mean" Bruce asked frantically Superman looked at him weirdly and said "well the kid has a crack in his skull, a broken leg and a cracked bone in his arm so again how are you walking and conscious" to say Bruce was mad was an under statement he went and helped Percy to a chair and everyone surrounded him with Bruce and Dick in front then he saw Aquaman "STOP" Percy yelled then pointed to him "what's you name" "Aurther" he responded because they all knew each other's identity "no you superhero name ya ding bat" Bruce hit the back if his head "ow hurt head people remember that" Percy yelled Aquaman looked sceptical but said "Aquaman" Percy froze "like ruler of the Atlantic that Aquaman" he nodded not sure how he knew that. Percy got up and limped over ignoring the protests and slapped Aurther silents everyone was silent, but Aurther controlled his temper "what was that for" he asked with barely hidden rage. Percy started to yell "how could you, I thought you died I thought I lost my whole family but no you left you left me and filled in dads place. Did you ever think I lived through that crash I was in a coma for weeks then I woke up and wa-" "what are you talking about" Aquaman said a little worried he never told anyone he was in a crash and lost family. "Your name is not Aurther at least not your full name is it" Percy asked and he nodded then Percy went on "that's right be cause it is Triton Aurther Jackson you had a mother that died giving birth to your little brother a father that ruled the sea and was a superhero and you had a little brother but you lost your father in a car cr-" Percy was cut off by Aurther "how do you know any of that I never told anyone" Percy took off a necklace showed it to everyone and said "I know because I am that brother I believed you died with dad in that car crash I tho-" then he fainted.
Sorry guys I am tired but I did my best luv ya😀

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