Story in 3... 2... 1...

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"Bang! Bang!" AJ awoke to a violent rumble, shaking the ground and trees.
"What was that?" AJ exclaimed, waddling over to the window.  As he peered over the edge, he saw the most horrific thing his eyes had ever witnessed. An army of treacherous metal beasts tore through the forest, lead by six feet and two inches of more muscle mass than physically possible, wearing large brown boots and beige overalls, with a forest green flannel rolled up to his elbows, and the only hair on his head were his comically bushy eyebrows and a curly bearded lining his jaw and chin. The leader of this catastrophe was none other than Dan the Manly Man. They ploughed over trees as they made way to AJ's treehouse, tossing the fallen trees into a big metal crate that was being pulled by one of them. AJ scrambled across the floor, desperate to reach the door before they reached him.

Too late. Just as he grasped the door handle, he was thrown across the room while his tree shook violently. Before he knew what was happening, the world began to tilt as his vision faded. He barely even hit the ground before he was lost to the oblivion of unconsciousness.

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