The movie had ended without you realizing it. Stardust was asleep at this point. You turned off the movie and lied down. You were still thinking of Palette. Then after a while you fell asleep.
You woke up to sunlight beaming on your eyes. You sat up stretched then yawned. You were gonna change then you realized you forgot your clothes at home. Not wanting to be rude you decided not to take Stardusts clothes.
Looking over to where Stardust would have slept she wasn't there. She's probably helping Jacob with something. You mumbled. You stood up and walked downstairs. No one was there. Not even Palette. Looking at the clock you saw that it was 9:45. Man I woke up early. You normally woke up at 12:00.
You looked for your friends. No (brothers name), no Jacob, and no Stardust. You looked in Palettes room last. You walked in and saw...
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(AWWW SO CUTE!!! AUTHOR-CHAN NOW IS NOT THE TIME! They are trying to read!!! Oh
You blushed madly. He was always so harsh and mean. But so soft and gentle in his sleep. You couldn't help it you had to take a picture. After you took the picture you looked at him. You stared and couldn't stop. He was to cute.
He started to shift a bit as if he was waking up. As a reaction to not get caught you ran downstairs and sat on the couch. Hearing footsteps you looked over to Palette turning around the corner rubbing his eyes looking half asleep.
Hi Palette. he looked over to you. Hi Y/N... He walked over to the couch and sat. He randomly started hugging your arm. You looked over blushing. Warm... You realized he was cold. So being the nice person you are you made him able to cuddle with you for warmth. He fell asleep after a while. And you did fall asleep also after a while. ================================ Once again...OMFG PALETTE IS SO CUTE SLEEPING!!! And again also I'm making a Naj Paperjam x reader called the unknown. So keep a lookout for it. Peace Galaxy~chan out!!!