So I decided your friends with my OC. Here's her bio. Name: Stardust Age: 16 Gender: female Siblings: Jacob and Zachary Pets: all animals Past: doesn't tell anyone for "safety reasons" for some reason Palette: bold You: italics Stardust: underlined Jacob: [in weird parentheses] Your brother: *in astrics* ================================
You eventually made it to Stardust's driveway. You drove up her drive why which is a pretty long dirt road, because she lives in the forest. She lives in the forest because she doesn't like many people to know where she lives. You finally made it to her house. It was a two story house she and her brother made themselves.
You turned off your car and knocked on her door. The door open and her brother was there.
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[What up smalls!!!] He called you that when he first met you. He likes to tease you about being smaller than him. Why do you always call me that? My name is Y/N! Or as I told you you can call me (nickname)!!! He gave you a big smile. [I call you that because I can and you are like a little sis to me.] Jacob who's at da door?
It was Stardust who asked the question. She walked over to the door and saw you. What up dude! She always called you dude even though your a girl. I'm a girl so the correct term would be dudet not dude. You stated trying to sound smart. I don't care what your gender is I'm calling you dude mate.
[Come on I'm my lady.] He opened the door and bowed of to the side. Your such a dork Jacob. You walked in and punched his arm. He giggled. You and Stardust started to walk off to her room. Sorry I was late. She smiled. No problem. I did it anyways because I got the hang of it. Do you need help with yours? She asked. No I did it at home.
You made it to her room and went in. She flopped onto her bed. Isn't it guys night? Guys night is when your brother and Palette go to Stardusts house and have a sleepover with Jacob. Sometimes it lasts a night or maybe a weekend. I think today's Friday so yea. She put her arms under her head. And crossed her legs then looked at you. You doin anything tonight?Nah why? Eh just wanna know if you wanna hangout tonight so if they prank me we can get em back.
You laugh at her comment. It sounds like your asking me out or something! Stardust shot up and yelled. You know what I meant!!! You kept laughing at her. She just rolled her eyes and lied back down. Anyways sure. I can hangout tonight. You both chatted for a while then you heard talking downstairs. You both realised the guys were here.
Stardust looked at you. She gave an evil smirk. You thinking what I'm thinking?Hell yeah! You both filled two buckets of water the went to the balcony. They were all standing there talking to each other. You then both poured the water on them. They yelped in surprise. Even Palette. Jacob looked at us and smiled. Your brother looked frustrated. *You guys are assholes!!!* Stardust fell over laughing.
You looked at Palette. He had his arms crossed he looked at you then he smirked and winked. You blushed madly. And realised you were staring and looked away. Stardust was still laughing her head off. Are you okay? You asked giggling. I can't breath!!! She said in between laughter. [Whelp she's dead.] They got dried up and hung out. Jacob was showing your brother an invention. Stardust had to grab something outside so that left you and Palette.
You sat there in silence. Palette was on his phone texting someone. You looked at him you couldn't help but stare. His eyes, his face. Everything about him was just perfect. I know your looking at me. He looked over and smirked. You looked away blushing. Like what you see?~ you blushed more. His voice was wonderful. You wanted to hear more.
He moved closer to you and used his finger to move your hair away from your face. Well do you?~ i-i... You heard Stardust scream. You shot up and ran to where she was and you saw.... (Cliff hanger... Muhahahaha I'm so evil. 😈😈😈. Well I'm going to make the next chapter right after I publish this one. Question. Should I do a Naj Paperjam x Reader? Anyways Galaxy~chan out!!!)