Losing My Grip

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"Alright team! Now we'll be having D ranks until we receive the C ranks! Isn't it wonderful? Now follow me!" Kimiko chirped and skipped towards the Hokage tower leaving the sweat dropping trio.

"Alright Team 5.....your first mission is to catch Tora the Cat"


"This is Potion Master. I spotted the target"

"This is The Painter. I am ready to take off"

"This is The Extractor. I found the target"

"This is The Archer. Follow the target. What's your posistion?"

"8 meters away"

"Me too"

"As am I. Awaiting for orders"

"Alright. Go!"

Three blurs ran in. Kikiyo jump infront of the target startling it. Sotaru sent couple of senbons and the target dodge them and went to the opposite direction where Machi was waiting before she casted a genjutsu as the target fell on the ground.

"Tora The Cat, successfully capture"

"Alright! Let's take him in."

The others watched the cat get suffocated by the Lady. The Cat then got out of her clutches before it could ran away Sotaru grabbed a long white ribbon from his pocket and channeled chakara on it, using it like a whip it wrap around on Tora as he tug it towards his direction before he swiftly wrap it around Tora as it bing the cat like a mummy, the head is not included.

'He's fast' the shinobi thought. Sotaru tied the ends into a bow before he looked at the cat with pity.

"Sorry" He mumbled as the cat was snatched from him and the Lady began cuddling with Tora once again.

"Oh thank you! You prevent my baby from running away again!" The lady then hugged (Suffocate) Sotaru. But there is no emotion in his face but his eyes held annoyance and confusion.

"Please ma'am. I don't see the point why you are.....making a contact with me. I simply caught your cat" Naruto said blanky as he was put down back to the ground.

"Nevermind that. I'll gave you a bonus for catching my baby. You've got a fine Genin, Hokage dono even if they're cold as ice" The Lady said before she left.

"Bwuahahaha!!! Sotaru-teme! You should've seen you face!" Kikyo laughed

"Hn. Class clowns tend to do and acts stupidly and have someone save them" Sotaru snorted as he put his hands in his pockets.

"SAY THAT IN MY FACE TEME!!!" Kikyo yelled grabbing Naruto's collar

"There's no way you'll make me repeat that" Sotaru said coolly

"Are you morons done arguing?" Machi asked, annoyed.

"Who are you calling 'moron'?!" Kikyo yelled

"Are you deaf or just completely slow?" Kikyo sneered

"Want to fight?!"

"Knock it off!" Kimiko cut in

"STAY OUT OF THIS SENSIE!!!" the females yelled.

Then the comebacks turned into a brawl. Then an animated dust cloud surrounds them with their imbs sometimes sticking out.

"Idiots" Sotaru rolled his eyes. He turned to his 'father' staring at him and not blinking.

"Hokage sama I appologise for the ruckus. We'll be leaving to get around D rank missions" Sotaru said blankly as he did a release sign, suddenly the three stopped since they are unable to move.

"We'll be leaving. Let's go. Sensie please start acting like an adult. You are no longer a child and you have a genin team to watch over not fight over ridiculous things." Sotaru said as he left.

"Gee is he always like that?" Kushina snorted

"Yes. Sotaru is an orphan. He is said that he was once close to Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, When your youngest disappeared he started to act cold. He used to go in search and rescue around but he stopped and gave up" Kimiko said

"What do you mean? Naru chan is in the academy" Kushina said

"I don't think so. Naruto wasn't spotted around the academy or in the village for almost a year now" Kikyo said

"What? Bu-"

The door opened revealing Minato's doppelganger except with whisker marks. The child looked at the unreadable expression from the occupants before asking a question.

"What are you all staring at?"

"You! Impostor!" Machi yelled and dispelled the genjutsu on 'Naruto' what she and the other's didn't know is that it have another undetectable genjutsu under it.

The genjutsu was dispelled revealing a man with a swirly mask and black cloak with red clouds on it. Everyone got into their fighting stance.

"Ah...it took too long for you to notice? Oh well it was expected. Thank you for the information though." The man laughed

"You!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SON?!?!?" Minato and Kushina roared in anger

"Hmm? Oh you mean the brat. Oh he's having an adventure of a lifetime. Almost a year ago in the Forest of Death. The last time I get to check on him is when he was chased by a tiger *giggles*. Anyways I'll go. I have the soul of the Kyuubi and I don't need the chakara. It will reform his own in a few years. Good for harvesting" The man laughed and showed a familiar and valuable necklace of the Shodaime and have a small flame inside (genjutsu).

The others gasp in horror as the man disappeared in the thin air. When Minato got out of his shock he then bark orders at the ANBU to search for Naruto.

Meanwhile Sotaru snickered at the frantic yells and calls of shinobi and civilians alike. They were searching and running around like headless chicken and screaming 'NARUTO SAMA!!!' most ninja were screaming 'Honorable Youngest Son! Where are you?!'

"Pathetic" Sotaru sneered

Suddenly an ANBU appeared in front of him. ANBU Captain Dog. Sotaru gave the ANBU an impassive stare.

"What is it you want?"

"Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze has been found. Hokage sama wishes me to bring you to him"

"Alright, lead the way"

Sotaru arrive at the morgue. Inside there were many shinobi and close relatives alike. Sotaru walked in and everyone had pasted a way for him like the red sea. Sotaru stopped in front of 'Naruto's Body' he glances at the crying family nearby. With a shaking hands he grabbed a hold on the white blanket and pulled it. Inside is a rotten body of his clone he made a year ago, it's almost unrecognizable. Sotaru clinched his fist in anger and sadness. This proves how they neglect him. They were Kage's for kami's sake and three of them are a sensor! He glared at the Namikaze's.

"How long did you found out?" Sotaru asked emotionlessly

"T-This m-m-morning....So-Sochi-kun was....k-k-killed. He wa-was under t0those bou-boulders" Kushina sobbed

"So you haven't notice his disappearance?! The one with you is an impostor! You should've realized that he was because you are the best sensor in the village! THIS JUST PROVES MY OPINION RIGHT ABOUT YOU!!! YOU SHOW FAVORATISM AND NEGLECT YOUR YOUNGEST WHO IS MORE OF PRODIGY AND A GENUIS THAN HIS SIBLINGS!!! THAT'S NOT FAIR TO HIM!!! Unlike me I don't have any parents to show me love! He has one and they were infront of him only to ignore him about those bullshit reasons! He was always alone and he DIED all ALONE!!!" Sotaru exploded, losing his cool.

"....." everyone were speechless

"So much for 'The Most Perfect Family' in the village. Hn. Perfect Family, my ass"

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