Day 9

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I woke up and I saw Elliot talking to the guy that shot me. I was worried that Rob moved away or even worse, died. Elliot looked at me in worry and said something to me, I think he said help is on the way or My mum is on the way, probably the second one. I had a little nap and when I woke up, the guy was gone! I needed to talk to him about what he was doing in the house. Suddenly mum rushed around the corner looking at each bed by bed hoping to see me lying down. There she was with the guy and Elliot, mum came to me and kissed me on the head many times. I was very relieved to see her. "How-Long-wa-Was-I-out-f-for?" I stuttered to the nurse "45 minutes and don't worry, you're gonna be on your feet in no time" The guy pushed passed mum, kneeled down, and started talking to me. "Crystal, I am so sorry my dear, I can't believe it's you though. After all these years, you came and visited me. Your father was a great man; I still miss Nick. I used to call him Nicky Rock".

"whoa, whoa, whoa! 1. How do you know my name? 2. How do you know my dad? 3. How do you know his name? 4. WHY DID YOU SHOOT ME!" I was stunned to see him saying my dad's and my name. "well, 1. I know your dad 2. That's how I knew his name 3. That's how I know your name and 4. I thought you were a cop coming here to take me downtown" I was once again stunned. "wait so you're . . . ROB!" I was excited to see his answer as he looked down at my wound. "yes" he said sadly "I am Rob" he told me all about him and how he waited for me to visit him in his house. He said sorry to me about ten million times. I forgave him on his first sorry but you know what, I'm going to be the talk of the school. As time passed by I finally got to ask him some questions. "Rob, can I ask you some questions please?"

"of course, it's the least I could do" I was pleased that he let me ask him some questions but he had no idea what he's in for. "so Rob, where were you when this all happened?"

"I was at the pub because your dad left early" I couldn't believe that he didn't stop him either. "thank you Rob"

"so I can stop now"

"oh, heck no! now, where were you when dad called you?"

"I was at the pub drinking" wait, could Rob be the one that caused dad to ride a bike 'wasted'? "ok, finally, where did you buy the ring?"

"what ring?" Rob said with caution "this ring"

"oh, that ring, well, I got it outside my house from a . . ."

"from a what Rob!"

"from a HOBO!" I couldn't take in the fact that my name was a total, complete, LIE! I couldn't stand looking at him any longer so I told him to get out as soon as possible. I told everyone to leave me alone so I can think about what I should do. Should I leave the hospital? Should I ask why he was in the house with a gun? But later I got out of the bed and peeked around the corner he was still there on the phone with someone, and so was mum, and Elliot! What were they doing I wonder? Elliot just hang up and started to walk this way. He was happy for some reason. Apparently he was calling the head nurse because she was someone else. He said that she said that I was good to go outside so I stood up but then I fell to the floor. I was confused, she did say I could go outside but how if I can't walk. "she said you need to be in a wheel chair, Crystal, of course you can't walk anyways, you're still paralysed". I really didn't want to agree with him but I had to so I had to be in a wheel chair. So I sat in one as Elliot rolled me out of the hospital and it was time for school. They said 45 minutes. Were they just trying to keep me calm? I don't know but this is crazy, I mean, I'm in a wheel chair for goodness sake, I can't wait to have everyone wanting to sit with me at lunch but you know what? I'm only going to sit with Elliot because I love him so it will just be me and him, alone. So as we walk or sit out of the hospital I was sat in the car next to Elliot praying that I'll be ok because everyone who breaks their arm or leg gets attention but a wheel chair... that's the next level. YAY! So we were on the way to school but I was in normal clothes and so was Elliot because he was with me the whole night, and he held my hand and told me today is about us, and only us. I was so touched I led out a sneaky giggle. We arrived at school and I was over excited to see my friends, well classmates and I had a giant smile on my face ready to see my classmates until I walk in and this girl is sitting in my seat. I was shocked but Elliot was over the moon happy because I was at school again with him. My best friend turned around and then saw me at the door, she smiled and then she ran up to me. I had a lot of questions to ask her especially about that girl sitting in my seat. "hi guys, I'm back from the hospital" everyone was over the moon as well as Elliot except for, you know who. Bethany, what is her deal anyways, I almost died and she's not a little bit relieved. She didn't even look back at me until she heard the word wheel chair. She glanced back and she was amazed to see me where I was at the time. She stood up, pushed everyone out of the way and said some things that I knew was false. "hey, I was worried about you, so how are you and do you want to sit with us a.k.a. my squad a.k.a. the popular gals?" I knew she was up to something when she said hey! So I went deeper into this and asked her why she was being so nice to me and Elliot even agreed with me that something was weird. "oh, I'm always nice to my bestie, and Elliot, sweet, handsome Elliot she is my best friend so no need to worry prince charming". Obviously you can see that she bumped her head before she came to see me. "so everyone, I was at the hospital overnight as you should know because I was shot in the stomach by my uncle. No questions please, I'm here to learn" and as soon as I said that everyone started laughing except for principle Dexter and my teacher. But before the principal could ask me a question I quickly sprung in a Ms Dexter. "Ms Dexter? Can I ask you a question?"

"of course, what is it?" she looked excited because I think she was asking if I could do something for the school like to give some money for the less fortunate or some things like that. "well, why is that person sitting in my seat?" suddenly her face turned blue "um, well, we all thought you were going to die"

"but not me" my bestie (not Bethany) said quickly as the principal paused. "well, so we brought in a student from Asia to learn some things that we could teach her like Mary Aikenhead, the founder of this school." I was shocked to see that the class didn't have any faith in me or my life, except Ruby. So I told the girl to move and she quickly did until the principal told me to sit next to Elliot and Ruby so they can help me with my books. I was stoked to sit next to them and it was until the rest of the year because this is our new seating arrangement. We all had fun and I was so excited to sit in our spot (Elliot and my spot that we sit in). so, the day went by and then I saw Uncle Rob sitting on our couch. I was excited and annoyed to see him again. But all I did was, well, I got carried upstairs by him and I was happy for that so I thanked him but then after that I went back to mixed emotions, then I climbed and I mean climbed into bed and then I went to sleep. Goodnight Dad.

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