Day 10

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I woke up really confused about yesterday and Uncle Rob. I really want to forgive him but I don't know because I mean bullets a bullet and being shot by your relative is a whole new level. I feel like I'm being stupid, he's my Uncle (who I have never met before) so I should forgive him... should I? yeah, anyways I slid downstairs to try find Uncle Rob but he wasn't home. I grabbed my wheel chair, got in it from sliding down and I asked mum where he was but she had no idea so I grabbed everything important and then I was off to find him a.k.a. to go to his house with Elliot. So I arrived at his house and rang the doorbell. His mum answered. "oh, hello dear, how are you? Would you like to come in? ELLIOT!" as much as I wanted to say yes I said no "no thank you but can Elliot come with me to explore?" I thought she would say no but she's the cool mum so she obviously said yes. "of course, Elliot, get your behind down here, Crystal is here to explore with you". He rushed down, grabbed some things like a shield and then pushed me towards Rob's house. We talked about school work and much more and I had a blast in a wheelchair... who knew you could do more things than people not in wheelchairs when you're in one? So I arrived at school and my 'best friend' came up to me "hey, I hope you're feeling better and I got the magazine paparazzi to take photos of you and your best friends who want to be in it with you... you get to choose... brownie?" I didn't know what was happening but all I knew was there was a brownie involved so I grabbed one quickly and said once again "why are you being so nice to me wicked witch of the west?". She stopped moving and stared at me, I think I knew what was going on because she stayed in that position for a long time and I saw her smiling. So I looked around and aha! The paparazzi has showed up. So she must have planned something to happen to me. How did she do this though? Did she plan the gun shot? Did she call the paparazzi? Or did she know I was in the hospital then started to create a plan to be famous. All I knew was she was some twisted girl wanting a famous boyfriend so I went up to the paparazzi and told them to take photos of me with my real friends and of course boyfriend. "hey so, she really isn't my friend so can you please tell me when you are going to take the photos?"

"um, sure, it's just I was told by this really nice lady called Bethany who told me to take photos of you unexpectedly a.k.a. when you are not looking at the camera" I knew at that point just what to say to this man. "well, that girl is a fake, her real name is 'Anastacia' and she just wants to be famous, so stick with me and you'll get the right photos. So where should we start?" I was proud of myself for thinking that one up on the spot... go me!

"what if we start at the skate park, what if you skate while you are in a wheel chair and your friends are next to you... or they could be holding your chair as you go down?" I thought that was the best idea so I got Elliot and Ruby to do it with me because they can really skate. So we arrived at the skate park and then we tried to do it... it actually worked so we rode down the ramp and we laughed the whole time. It was the funkiest thing we've ever done together so once we finished that photo shoot we headed to the park and I went on the disabled swing. It was the best, considering my friends were there with me so we got that photo done and then we headed to Elliot's swimming pool and they both carried me in, luckily there was chlorine in the pool so it healed me a little bit but I was still not able to walk. Then we went to the hospital and I went to the physio therapy room. Apparently I was doing really well for my age and better than many peoples try's. so we went home and we got the newspaper. It was amazing. The whole front cover was me and my friends. I definitely enjoyed this whole day, but I was exhausted so I went to bed at 6:30pm and I dreamt about me and my friends repeating the whole day again... Goodnight dad.

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