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As you waited outside your boyfriend's apartment; hands clenching the paper bag full of his favorite snacks you couldn't wait to see him for the first time in almost a month. You had been swamped in studying for tests and balancing your job but you had finally completed everything and you couldn't wait for his arms to wrap around you as you would finally be able to see him again.

The door finally opened to reveal his face, but you had been expecting to be greeted with his contagious smile and eye glittering with happiness, but he was currently looking far from happy. Jin's brow was furrowed slightly but he still grasped your wrist and pulled you into the house before he shut the door behind you, "you finally made time for your poor lonely boyfriend?"

You smiled up at him, pecking his full, soft lips before you walked further into his apartment, placing the bag on the kitchen counter and waiting for him to look inside, when he stayed standing in the doorway, arms folded over his broad chest as he seemed to be debating, before your voice broke his thoughts, "Jin, I got you food!"

Jin bit back a smile as he tried to make it look like he wasn't excited by walking deliberately slowly towards you and the bag; when he reached the counter his hands instantly dove into the bag, withdrawing a selection of dried cranberries and nuts, he grinned at you.

Then after placing it all back in the bag, he picked it up and wound an arm around your waist as he pulled you onto his hip, you giggled as you always found it the amount of skinship he needed after you had been gone almost childish. But Jin simply glanced to your face, capturing your lips in a kiss that had you pulling away panting as you placed your forhead against his shoulder, and he continued walking slowly, seemingly the same after the kiss although his cheeks had a tinge of light pink. When he finally reached the sofa, he dumped you onto the soft surface before following quickly, and in seconds he was tearing the bag open and tucking in, every now and then placing an almond or slice of dried mango to your lips.

You watched in interest as his hair turned from a light brown, to pale blue; the texture no longer single strands of hair but feathers. You understood many of his qualities came with being a lovebird; his attachment to you, his whistling skills and beautiful singing voice, but seeing him half-shifted like this made you the most happy. You had been told by one of his friends, when you had stayed for a movie night and stroked Jin's hair into feathers, that you were the only girl he had ever half-shifted unconsciously for. But you weren't a shifter and sometimes this frustrated Jin, and as you pushed the cranberry he was holding to your lips away, your heart sunk as watched his eyes feel with pain.

"Y/N, please eat it," he asked, his hand returning with the same cranberry but you hated the sour taste and shook your head childishly, although you didn't want to get into a fight, you doubted something this small would lead to anything bad, how wrong you were.

Finally Jin gave up, tossing the berry into the air and catching it in his mouth before he looked back at you, a shiver ran down your back as you noticed his back straighten, "So Joonie was telling me that you met up to go through some questions about your exam?" You nodded, unsure where this was going as he had literally just said a casual event that held no romance, but as Jin gave you an empty smirk, you had a bad feeling, "You went to another male's apartment, alone. That would have made me angry, but Y/N, you said you were to busy to even see me for coffee. Why did you lie?"

You shook your head, opening your mouth to defend your actions but Jin simply shook his head before he continued, "Now you won't accept food from me. We've been dating for almost a year, you know that I like to feed you when I haven't seen you for a long time and you were even the person to point out that all lovebirds were like this."

You licked your lips, waiting for the next blow to be swung because Jin was quietly fuming, and you would argue that he was the harshest when he got into one of these moods, "I know you don't understand having these urges. Developing weird habits that link to your animal, you don't understand the half of me that usually holds the reigns, I don't think you ever will. So maybe I should go find myself a shifter to date, everyone always said an inter-species relationship wouldn't work."

The problem was that unlike Jin's usually teasing that you would have to endure after not seeing him for a while, you believed he was telling the truth. And suddenly you wondered if you would be the one dying of heartbreak and not him, as your hand reached for him, desperate to just hold onto his strong arms to quell your tears.

But Jin flinched backwards, his eyes swam with tears as he looked down at his lap, "Can we keep doing this? Can you keep putting up with me when I'm like this?" A single tear rolled down his cheek and this time you lunged at him, enveloping him in a hug as you nodded your head into his chest,

"Please Jin, I'll do my best to understand. We can do this, and I may not have your animalistic urges but I do get them. I get the urge to kiss you," you looked up to see him tilting his head slightly in confusion and you planted a hard kiss to his lips, drawing away slightly to continue, "I have the urge to be held in your arms, to tell you how much I love you until you're begging for me to shut up."

Jin's face broke into a wide grin as he let you wipe away his tears, he pulled you tightly into his chest, "I know it's stupid, it's hard to explain but I want to protect you and I get so jealous when you're with anyone apart from me." You giggled and pressed a kiss to his nose,

"That's a trait of a lovebird." But Jin couldn't care less, as he rubbed his nose against you with a small laugh,

"Have you been researching me?" He smiled as he pressed a soft kiss to your your lips, softly running a hand up and down your waist.

"I wanted to understand you better," it was the least you could do, but you left those words unsaid as your forehead leant onto his, your limbs tangled on the sofa.

"I'm sorry I said we wouldn't work out, you've been trying so hard for me love." You smiled at his nickname, before you ran your hands through your lovebird's hair, using them to pull him closer so you could kiss him properly. Because even if you weren't able to understand everything he went through, you were both willing to put your all into the relationship because you loved each other.

A/N: for my other fics. I might do a book for each separate member to act as a folder for all the writing - more work yay
tumblr: guksthighs

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