In My Feelings

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Several months went by, it was early in the month of June and she had almost finished her junior year. She had long forgotten about FP Jones the gang member who made her feel almost special and her girlish crush on the older man. At least she pretended to forget.

She had made some friends here and there. Occasionally seeing one of her mother's friend's children. That day they decided that they wanted to celebrate the end of the school year with a drink and maybe a game of pool. There was only one place in town that would serve alcohol to under age kids, and that was the Whyte Wyrm.

Harper told her mom she was sleeping over a friend's house and her mother eagerly ate it up. Harper had changed slightly over the past few months, becoming a little less scared. She got dressed up, hoping that would add to her excited mood. Dressed in a short skirt and black pumps she left the house, she earned some cat calls on the walk to the Wyrm, her heels clicked against the pavement and she regretted not taking the car. She saw the occasional South Side Serpent jacket but paid no mind to it, she wasn't afraid. She walked up to the bar and saw several bikes parked in the front. The girl swallowed up her intimidation and went up the steps.

Stepping into the bar she instantly spotted her friends. Her small group of friends consisted of Polly Cooper, Seth Martin, and Melody Valentine. Polly, her closest friend waved her over to the little table in the corner. They were three other hardworking students, who also liked to blow off a little steam by having some fun. She stood at the table with them laughing and talking about who knows what.

"You look so good tonight!" Polly said, above the din of men and music around them.

"I just kind of felt like dressing up." She smiled and glanced down at her body suit and skirt. She felt many eyes on her as she sipped on a beer chatting with her friends.

"Who are you texting so much Pol?" Melody asked, she was the drummer in Riverdale's favorite band, Josie and the Pussycats. Polly blushed.

"I bet its Jason." Harper laughed, nudging her friend. Polly nodded and proceeded to sip her water and continue texting.

"No drink tonight?" Seth nodded towards Polly, she only shook her head.

"Yeah uhm, I have a little headache I thought water would be better." She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, only Harper noticed.

He saw her from across the bar, still just as beautiful as she was months before. He kept his eye on her, watching her snake here and there throughout the crowd. He swore if anyone touched her they would answer directly to him.

"Hey, let's play a game of pool!" Melody said, spotting an empty pool table near the steps that Harper assumed led up to an office. They set up the triangle in the middle and Seth started them off. It went around the table until it landed to Harper. She picked up a pool stick and attempted to aim and hit the ball well. Instead, she struck it and it missed her target completely, popping the ball over the edge of the pool table. FP noticed and chuckled to himself from his seat at the bar.

"Shit," She said, "I'll go find it." She darted away from the table catching the purple ball in the corner of her eye. She hurried over to it but lost sight of it.

"Crap." She muttered, looking around the floor of the bar littered with trash and beer bottles but no ball.

"Does this belong to you?" She hears a familiar voice behind her. Her heart flutters, hoping it isn't the man she thinks it is. She turns around slowly and looks at him.

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