Chapter 1

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Jade and Jesy continue to stand in front of the mirror, their jaws open in shock as they both feel their faces (or, well, each other's face technically).

"Jade?!  Jesy!?", Perrie shouts while walking into the room, rubbing her eyes sleepily, having been awoken by the girls' screaming.  "What's with all the screaming you two?", she asks once she finds them both in the bathroom, looking at themselves in the mirror (Perrie noting how strange that was, but she just blamed it on the fact that they were probably extremely hung over).

Jesy turns around first to face Perrie, and Jade quickly follows.  "Perrie!  You'll never believe wh-"  Before Jesy can continue talking, Jade uses her elbow to hit Jesy in the side, making her bend over a bit and let out a small "oof".  "Nevermind.", she says, rubbing her side to sooth the pain.

"Jesy!", Perrie yelps.  "Why on earth did you just hit Jade?!"

Jade just stands there, waiting for Jesy to answer, and it makes Jesy mentally facepalm.  "Yeah Jesy.  Why did you hit me?!", she says, making an emphasis on the name, getting Jade to remember that she's Jesy.

"Oh!", she says once she remembers that she's in Jesy's body now.  "I, uh, hit Jes-JADE...because she, uh, woke me up.", she quickly makes up, trying to cover her small slip up.  "You know how I am about my sleep."

"Jeez Jes, you're so violent.", Perrie says before walking over to who she thinks is Jade, but is really Jesy.  "You okay Jade?"

"I'll be fine...although, it does hurt a bit.", Jesy says, using Jade's pout that she's seen Jade use to get away with so many things before.  She also knows that Perrie has a soft spot for Jade.

"Aww, poor poopey.  You sit on the bed and relax for a bit, okay baba?", Perrie says, moving Jesy to have her sit on the bed.  Jesy nods, but doesn't forget to add one last pout, causing Perrie to kiss her forehead before walking on her way to leave the room.

Jade scoffs and rolls her eyes, and Perrie immedietly sends a glare in her direction, making Jade quickly look down to avoid her piercing gaze.  Once Perrie has left the room, Jesy bursts out laughing and Jade quickly lunges to smack her on the arm.

"You jerk!  I didn't even hit you that hard!", Jade says angrily.

"I know, I just wanted to test out your power.", Jesy replies simply, shrugging slightly as well.

"What power?"

"Over Perrie."  Jade just gives Jesy a blank face (also realizing at that time how weird it is to finally see herself as others see her).  "Oh gosh, you must be blind Thirlwall.  Perrie will do anything you say, and she'll also side with you no matter what."

"That's not true.", Jade argues.  "Plus, we have more important things to focus on right now."

"Like?", Jesy asks, observing the new nail polish on Jade's fingernails that she put on a couple days before.

Jade gestures her arms in the air wildly, her mouth agape in shock at how Jesy could just forget that they've switched bodies.  "HELLO?!", she shouts, pointing back and forth between them.  "I think the fact that we're in each other's bodies is pretty important!"

"Oh yeah, that!", Jesy says, suddenly remembering.  "Okay, so what are we gonna do?  Do we tell the other two-"

"No, they wouldn't be able to handle it.  It'd freak them out too much."

"Okaaaaaaayy, but you do realize that those two know us better than anyone else.  We're all practically sisters.  I'm pretty sure they're gonna be able to tell that something is up."

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