Chapter 2

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A/N: can you guys please let me know if i should keep going with this story, or tell me what you guys think about it? it'd be really awesome if you guys could comment/vote :)

Jesy and Jade take a seat at the kitchen table after filling their plates up with Leigh-Anne's delicious home-cooked breakfast, and they start to dig in when Perrie get's a text.

"Hey guys, Zayn is coming over later today.", Perrie announces.  See, Zerrie was only half true (A/N: i totally support Zerrie and think they're adorable, so don't hate on me for not making them real in this story).  Yes, the two had a relationship, but it wasn't anything that exceeded the boundaries of a simple friendship.  Zayn was a nice lad, and that's why the girls all picked him as the one that they wanted tied with Little Mix (the other choice was Liam and Jade, but Liam has a girlfriend).  But, since Zayn and Perrie had to keep up the fake relationship thing, Zayn often stopped by once and a while to hang out with the girls.

"What time shall he be arriving?", Jesy asks, trying to sound intelligent, and Jade shoots her a glare, letting her know to tone it down a notch.

Perrie and Leigh look at Jesy a bit weirdly before Perrie answers the question hesitantly.  "In an hour or so."

"Cool.", Jade replies, adjusting Jesy's beanie on her head before going back to her food, trying to ignore Perrie's eyes that are staring holes into the side of her head.


An hour later, just as Perrie said, there was knocking on the door.

"I'll get it!", Jesy says, jumping up and skipping over to the door a bit too enthusiastically, and Jade clenches her fists when she notices Perrie and Leigh share a glance over the strange behavior.  When Jesy reaches the door she quickly swings it open to reveal the raven haired boy in his usual leather jacket.  "Hey Malik.", she says in one of her accents, awkwardly coughing afterwards when she realizes that Jade's voice doesn't really do it justice, and it sounded a bit off.

"Hey there Jade.", Zayn says, his eyes narrowing as he looks at Jesy, and Jesy's palms start to sweat a bit, knowing that Zayn just got here, and he's already suspicious of something.  The two of them just continue to stand there, Jesy not really sure what to do at this point while Zayn continues to stare her down.

"How 'bout instead of standing there like an idiot, you let Zayn in?", Jade calls out to the two at the door, and Jesy makes a note in her head to talk to Jade later.  See, that's the other thing.  Jesy always called Zayn 'Malik', no matter what the situation was, and Jade never did.  When she looks back to Zayn, she knows that they're in trouble when she sees the questioning in his eyes.

Jesy let's Zayn in, and she follows him over to where the other girls are.  Zayn takes a seat between Perrie and Leigh on one couch, Jesy taking her seat on the other couch next to Jade (still not quite sure how to sit and be comfortable in Jade's body, and she can see that Jade is in the same predicament).

"So what brings you here?", Leigh asks after a couple minutes of chit-chat and gossip.

"Oh yeah!  Thanks for reminding me Leigh.", Zayn says, sending a smile towards Leigh before turning to Perrie.  "I think management is going to schedule a meeting with us soon.  I overheard my manager talking, and I think the fans are starting to realize we're fake.  I think we're gonna be in some trouble soon..."

"Jeez, no need to be so dubious.", Jade says while chuckling, not noticing everyone's eyes turning towards her, and Jesy subtly rolls her eyes.

"Wow Jes, when did you swallow a dictionary?", she jokes, succeeding in both making Jade remember that she wasn't supposed to use words like that, and in easing the tension in the room.

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