Chapter 2 ( OMG )

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A/N: heyyyy fello powwow reader.!!! I'm truly sorry I haven't update. It's cuz I didn't have any idea.!!! But now I have the perfect idea.!!😇😘 so I hope you guys like it and hereeeee weeee goooo.!!!






Harry's P.O.V

We were in the middle of our break from practice for WWAT in L.A but I wanted Starbucks. n everybody seems to be on there phone except louis. so I ask if he wanted to get some with me.

" Boo bear wanna get some Starbucks with me" I ask quietly

" Yeah I want some anyway, but how we gonna get past Paul ?" he ask

" I'll pretend to go use the loo and five minutes later you'll go use the loo to but go sneak out the back I'll be waiting outside. got it ?" I told him

" Okay " he said

~~ skip the plan ~~

Louis P.O.V

Were now at Starbucks, luckily no one noticed us since we got out hoodies on. when we got in there a few people was already in there. I love the smell in Starbucks n the light old music to set the mood for you to just relax. I walked up in line luckily there were no one in line so me and Harry didn't have to wait long. when we got there I ordered my hot drink which is hot mocha. and put my name as kevin.

Calie P.O.V

While I was kinda cleaning around at work two guys came in. Oh I forgot to tell you that I work at Starbucks. yes I know . let's all have our moment . I am obsessed with Starbucks. This is the perfect job cuz it's like a block from where I live. which is PER-FECT ( a/n: see what I did there LEEROY ) any way while I was cleaning two guys came in with black hoodie on. I felt like I've seen this people before but he/she has a shade on so I couldn't tell, he/she ordered a hot mocha and his name is kevin, I'm guessing. then the other one came up I was gonna ask for his order when he cut me off and told me his order.

" Can I have a peppermint hot chocolate " he said

Once he said the word "can" I instantly recognize his voice. I looked up and whisper


" Please don't screamed " Harry begged

" OK...!! " I said still shocked.

He took out his phone and type something real quick than gave it to me.

It said.


I don't know what was going on. I'm trying to process everything right now and the fact that FREAKIG HARRY Ok..EDWARD STYLES ASK FOR MY DAME FREAKING NUMBER. I think.... Imma.. imma... then next thin I knew was that I blacked out.

- after resting -

I woke up in my house that I'm soon gonna move out and heard Kelly voice. she's the closest person that I know from Starbucks. and couple of murmurs. Luckily I don't hear my dads voice, which is a big relieve. then I hear BRITISH accent, and it hit me, I MET HARRY STYLES AND LOUIS TOMLINSON. I let out a really really loud squeal. next thing I heard was footstep and all three burst into my room with worried eyes.

" OMG CALIE WHAT HAPPEN " she screamed back pretty loud

" Huh...? wait.? what? " I said back confused

" You were squealing or screaming really loud so we ran up here " she said still kind of loud.

" Wait, WE. who are you talking about.we, or did u say me, I'm confused. " I said still confused

" We as in. me HARRY STYLES AND LOUIS TOMLINSON we. " she said emphasize on Harry and Louis names

" Oh, so I wasn't dreaming about meeting Harry and Louis at work to day." I said knowing what's going in on little by little.

" Yes " two other voices says with Kelly's

" What who said that " I ask

" Me " the voice and Kelly's voice says a gain.

" Me who " I ask still confused. man I can be really dumb sometimes, or most of the times.

"Me Kelly "

"Me Harry "

"Me louis " all three say together.

Then realization hit me and once again. I SQUEAL WELL MORE OF A SCREAM.

I JUMP OF MY BED AND LITERALLY. Went and hug both of there legs so tight don't think blood went through their legs at all. then Kelly started to laugh and soon the boys laugh too.

" What? what so funny, this is not something to laugh about people, meeting your idols is not something to laugh about. YOU SUPPOSE TO THINK OF A PLAN AND KEEP THEM CAPTIVE. " I said, well more loud on the last part.

" Wait a minute did I serio. just said that out loud.!?" I said soon realizing what I said.

" Uhhh yeah you kinda did" Kelly said.

" Uh. that was so not true. uhh.... I was... uhh.. it's just an idea for this fanfic and writing.... and... umm.. my fellow peasants are not gonna do that for reals. I think" I said trying to cover up

" Who's your peasants?! " louis ask in a sassy voice, man HIS SASS IS REAL. but I love his sassy ness.

" It's her fellow readers on her book " jelly answered.

" Yasssss. I love my peasants " I said still hugging there legs.

" Uhh, love we have to go back to practice for our concerts. " Harry's lovely voice spoke. literally I melt cuz next thing you know I'm not hugging their legs I'm hugging Harry's waist. itttssssss soooo warmmmm.

" B..But, your so warm " I said bt wanting to let go.

" You know your not like most fans, if they see me n Louis they would freak out and ask for our autographs then leaves, but you act like me and lou are family " Harry angelic voice spoke.

" Uhhh.!! hellooo! I did freaked out didn't i?!? and cuz I get used to people fast. it's a habit with special people only." I answered

" So were special " louis ask

" Yes your very special mrr.sassypants " I said hugging Louis very tight

" Anyway go practice, buttttttt we gotta hang out again especially you louis I like you sassy ness. " I said

" Lou let's go " Harry said this time is voice sounds mad or more tough. why is that. eh who cares

" Anyway Harry here's my number since you ask for it" I said while writing my number down on his hand. he seems to relax bit.

" Ok bye " they both said

" Cya " I said

"Ok " Kelly said

" Zayummmmmmmmmm. you got a bae. ( click tongue ) or nahhhh " Kelly said wry loud might I add.

" Is you tryna date ( click tongue ) or NAHHH " we both finished.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2014 ⏰

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