||1|| Helplessness and Anger.

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"Shivaay please don't do this to me"Annika pleaded with a cracked voice as shivaay hugged her tight,head dipped in her bosoms,he cried like a broken man,which indeed he was.

"You can't leave me annika,No you can't"he continue to whisper this line as a mantra while his wail become more loud,It was getting difficult for annika to fight back her tears,but what can she do?Crying wouldn't help her neither him,maybe this was bound to happen,whenever she thought that everything is going perfect,something or the other happens and she is crashed to the ground mercilesssly from the air.

"Shivaay We can't do anything,"She said as she swayed her hands which had a drip in his hair trying to calm him down,Shivaay just clucth on her as tightly as he could as if his life depend on her,literally she was his life,the only reason for his existence.

"Why god had to be so cruel to us annika?Why?"he asked,his voice weak but there was something she couldn't decipher as he looked at her with tear strained face,this is the second time he had let the protective mask to slip from his face and break down in front of her,"God give trouble to us just to test us"taking his face in her palm she tried to make him understand,but it seemed he doesn't wanted to listen anything.

"No annika he can't do this to me,he knows you are the most precious thing in my life,he can't take it away so easily,If it'll require I will fight with him"there was clear rage enlightening in his orbs making her sigh,now there's nothing to do with, her condition had been getting worst day after day.

It's been only one month that they come to know that annika was having Acute myeloid leukemia that too she was on the second stage, shivaay had been mad, he went everywhere he could treat her,to make her get rid of this deadliest disease but nothing was working,everything seems to be ending with no hope.

Annika had been doing her second round of chemotherapy, the first one didn't work but they didn't loose hope,else after that they went to have the other one,but it seems god really wanted them to suffer,the results were coming the same,it wasn't helping her nor him.

Shivaay felt lifeless as well as angry on himself,being the world's richest bussiness man he couldn't save his wife from this,then what's the use of these useless pride and money? Just to show that he's been the world's richest bussiness man? Maybe that's the only truth.But he don't need them now,if they aren't able to help him then what's the point of having them? For the first time in his life,he was regretting,regretting for not spending time with her much but keeping himself busy in offices just to earn this useless money.

He had threatened the doctors to shut down  all the branches of the hospital if anything happen to her,well Shivaay Singh Oberoi can do anything,Maybe-- this thought now seems to be far extinct,he felt miserable that he wasn't able to do anything else just sit and see his life going away from him. Why god need to be so cruel to him?to them?they were happily living with each other,then one day annika got fever and it was controlled but it continue to come in regular intervals,her appetite was lost,she always complain that she get bone pain and all those sorts of things.they consulted a doctor and she was on the medication,but slowly her condition started to get worst and one day when she was having dinner with them all,a sensation of dizziness hit her senses and blood started to come out of her nose,making everyone of them scared and shivaay felt his heart in his throat.

They called the doctor and he had asked them to make a Bone Marrow Aspiration test for her,making everyone furious,as what the hell he was talking about?Annika wasn't that weak or there weren't that much symtoms that gave them the sign that she was having that awful disease. But after a lot of dicussion they tried to give it a try in a hope that nothing such will come but but but,fate not always had to be in your side,it tends to make you miserable as well as elated at times,but in most cases it make you hopeless,the test came positive,yes,what they thought wouldn't come,had actually was in front of their eyes,they are at a verge of loosing their bubbly annika.

Shivaay had cried the whole night,with her in their room,clinging onto her form not at all making an effort to leave her.He was scared to loose her,he was freaking scared,what will happen to him without her?No he will die if she won't be with him,he will surely die,He was not in a sense to do anyhting,he was broken and he just let out his emotions infront of her because she was the only one to whom he can be at his worst,and the thought of her leaving him had taken a great toll.

Annika was feeling the same,she was feeling worst,she doesn't know how to bring all this back to normal,she had blamed herself for all this,she was an ill-omended person.Life had always given her pain,and she had always faced them with all her strenght,but now this case seemed to be worst then everything and she felt the courage to drown out of her body.But no shivaay singh oberoi never loose hope,No he will do whatever the hell will be possible to bring her back,even he had to go to the deeepest of hell ,he will snatch her back to him.

"No Annika he can't do this to me,No you can't leave me,No damn it! you can't"he was now sitting with tear strained face,while his helplessness was now converted into raw rage,for himself,for her as well as for the almighty.Annika looked at him with tearful eyes,if she blink,the tears are definately going to decend down her cheeks and it was getting difficult for her,she held his cheeks and took him in for a kiss,it took him some second to respond to it and both of them just poured their helplessness,their love in that one kiss.

Breaking the kiss,which seems like eternity, both of them looked at each other with eyes full of love while tears continue to decend down their cheeks,she just rubed off his tears with her thumb tenderly "please don't cry" but he just took her in a tight hug,not at leaving any space between their flushed body.she just smiled sadly and reciprocated it with all her might.

both of them were helpless, but they didn't gave up.They will fight this together.Yes they will surely do it.


I hope you all like it, and yes I think you all must have to use google to check some meanings of the terms which I have given above, actually this is not at all my fault,tomorrow is my Biology Exams and I think this is all because of that  *hands up in surrender*

Do share your precious reviews and encorage me with some likes and reviews.

Until then,Meet you all soon.

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