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"Hello O come to the Park soon"Rudra stressed voice was heard on the other side of the mobile making Om worried,he know something is not good,the doctor must have said something which they didn't wanted to hear and so this is the outcome,he hope against hope that shivaay is alright,without wasting a second in asking what had happen he just exsited the mansion and went to the nearby park which was just at a few walking distance away from there.

It was nearly dusk,the sky painted in a warm soothing colour,which Om loved to present in his nature paintings, but today something was missing, he couldn't have the pleasure to see this today,the passion was lost, it seems dull and dark today, bringing his sweater close to himself, he walked towards the path of the lake situated at the other side of the park,the cold breeze striking his face made him shudder in a whole new level, but he didn't stopped,with fast long strides he finally reached there.

Rudra was pacing back and fouth the lenght of the small lake,bitting his nail in anxiety but when Om looked around,he didn't saw shivaay, moving towards the other one,he tapped on his shoulder,"Rudra,where's shivaay?"making the younger Oberoi to look at him with alert but within few seconds it was changed into a desperatly stressed man,"O, bhaiya"he couldn't make a sentence, but pointed towards a direction.

Om turned to look at that to see a lonely figure stading at the furthest corner of the lake,his half back ony visible because of the tree, and he know who he was"He doesn't wanted to talk to anyone and asked me to go"rudra justify the reason of his actions and stopped ,his eyes started to weld up with tears as he couldn't see his superhero like this.

"What did the doctor said?"Om asked curiously,still looking at the lonely figure but he had come to know that whatever the doctor said is not at all good,"This theraphy is also not working,bhabhi's condition is getting worst"rudra said as soon tears sytarted to descend down his cheeks,Omkara just took him in for a hug and ran his hand at the length of his back,"Shh..Rudra everything will be fine,Annika bhabhi will be fine soon"he whispered and asked him to wait over there and he will go to see how's shivaay.

"I don't want to talk to anyone right now Om,please leave me alone"Shivaay said with a curt turn of his face,his voice depride of any emotion,making Om sigh, "Unless and until you won't share your feeling I won't leave you"Om softly said ,keeping his palm on his stiffed shoulder, Shivaay just shrugged off his shoulder but it didn't let Om to loose his grip over there,else he gave a light squeeze.

" Are you seeing this Om?"shivaay started softly after a few minutes of silence,looking towards the setting sun,"It will go away and the world will be slipped into darkness, and I think my condition is same, I though that everything is alright but see what's going on"he gave a defeated exhale,his shoulder dropped in defeat.Om remained silent looking towards the sky with a sad smile.

"Now what's there to share Om?Everything is slipping from my hands"shivaay turned to him making his breath hitched at the dullness of his eyes which was boring in his body but he didn't let it show to him."The moon is there to enlighten this colourless night"Om whispered with a thick sharp voice trying to make him understand "But where's my moon? it is slowly leaving me Om and it hurts terribly here"shivaay said pointing towards his heart making Om squeeze his shoulder yet once again as if trying to give him some strenght.

"Shivaay Listen"Om started with an afirmed tone,"Moon doesn't lit up on it's own it's the sun who provides the light to it, and if the sun only stop illuminating then think what will happen to the moon?it will definately die"the last line hit hard the right cords of shivaay's broken heart, the cold breeze seems to be more colder now,he can sense the goosebumps rissing from beneath his thick woolen coat.the slightest thought of her leaving him make him breathless. omkara sensed the changes to his facial expression and he knows that he is understanding what he really wanna say,"Don't make the sun loose it's shine Shivaay, he is the only one who can bring the moon back"

And now Om knows that shivaay will not loose hope,shivaay singh Oberoi will figth for his wife,he will bring back his moon while providing her his light,he won't break down, he will stand with much force and change the dead of night to illuminated twilight.

Om took his hand when some wetness strike his dry warm one's moving his eyes in alert,a gasp escaped his mouth as he saw blood oozing out from his palm,"Shivaay what's this?"Om asked in worry, "Nothing"shivaay said as he withdrawned his hand from his grip.

"he broke the doctor's vase threatening him that if he won't do anything then be ready for the consequences,how much I tried to stop him but he never listen"Rudra said in a complaining tone,Om just smiled "The doctor must be really scared"Om expressed his thoughts thinking abotu a scared doctor jumping from his seat due to shivaay's stunt,"Yes he was literally shivering while I was making both of them calm down"rudra pouted which now made both the brothers smile at him.

"So what would I have done?He was telling that annika's condition.."shivaay trailed off as he couldn't complete his sentence gripping his already wounded hand,eyes which were calm just like the waves touching the sea shore was all of a suden turned into wild wave,which can destroy anything,but Omkara know that the fight was within shivaay only,taking his gripped hand in his once again"Angry on whom?Doctor?"Om whispered as he wanted to know that his prediction was right or wrong.

"Ofcourse the doctor,he is a stupid ass! I don't know who had given him the certificate"Rudra interupted with a childlike voice, but pouted as no one seemed to acknowledge him,"with myself, Om,I'm angry with my ownself"shivaay sighed,the most defeated one ever, "You know, the feeling when you have everything but it's nothing of your use,it felt miserable! All these money, this power,they can't do anything,they can't bring my annika back to me,then what's the use?I sometime feel--"he was cut off by Om.

"Feel to burn all of that right?"making Shivaay nod his head in affirmtion with a pained expression, "Shivaay I'm glad that at last your come to realize that money and power can't buy a person't s life, you always think that we can buy anyhting with money but now what do you think shiaay?Was it the truth?"shivaay felt ashamed,it was that much that he wasn't able to face both of his brother,the courage drained out of his soul beause he know he was wrong,he was bloody wrong his whole life.

Omkara smiled tenderly at his elder brother,"Shivaay"He called out and shivaay met his eyes, "what's done is done, we can't change them,but we can change our future while rectifying our present,Please don't loose your hope,if you'll do it then what will happen to bhabhi?"Om said softly and smiled at him,while shivaay just took him in for a hug.

Rudra who was watching all this,had tears weld up in his eyes but he soon composed and entered the hug,"Hey give me space,you two can't do Obros moment without me"he chidded making the brother chuckle at his innocence and the three of them shared a knowing hug as the winds stop blowing faster and there was clamness surrounding them.


So here's the next part, Which I hope you all like it, to be true this was written much before but I didn't got the strenght to update this, So very sorry for this, and yes, would love to know how was this part, and please do give some feedbacks, it just really encourage me to write more. Until then,

Take care,


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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