||2|| An Unsaid Bond.

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Annika had been in the house and her treatment was taking place there only with the other family members taking care of her and as well as shivaay's.

Shivaay doesn't know anyone except Annika now,she was the only person in front of his orbs while the rest seems to vanish in the thin air.Because of her he was also not taking care of himself,would eat less or not at all. Beside that Om as well as rudra would travel to different contitries just to consult a doctor for their Bhabhi , while Gauri and bhavya will be there taking care of the family.

Annika would feel worst seeing all this,she sometimes curses her faith for doing this to her lovely family, but she dared to bring this thought to voice because it will surely hurt them,they were doing all this for her but sometimes those thoughts linger on her mind.Well everyone was sad because of this but no one showed it infront of her, they seems to forget that she was annika,she knew everything and so she too carry on with the act with all of them.

everyone was affected by this,but for some wierd intension the person who was most worried after shivaay was gauri, yes isn't it shocking? they had just been together for not more then a year but the bond was like as if it from decades,annika wasn't a sister in law but own sister as well as a mother for gauri,she had an instant liking when she had first talked with annika, as if she was talking to her own blood and so all the emotions had came out on that day,it felt so good to talk to her that gauri couldn't express and when they actually met it was magical, it was like coming back home after a long journey,annika's presence calm her veins,she felt protected when she was beside her.

Gauri had loved annika the most,she doesn't know how or when it did but it happened.How blessed she had found herself to get annika in her life.A caring mother as well as a scolding elder sister. Shivaay had gone to meet the doctor as he called him uregently,while annika was fast asleep due to tirednesss a well as the dose of the medicines.

Gauri entered the room with baby steps,not wanting to wake her up and went to her side,she saw her sleeping peacefully on the bed with the oxygen pipe struck in her nose and different types of wires on her wrist,it pained her to see her like this,her chirpy annika bhaujai was no more here,else there was a living corpse in front of her,she closed her eyes shut as the pain in her heart increased to much higher fold when the thought of her leaving them struck her mind.Om had told her that this diseases is very bad and it took away the lives of the people,making her tremble in response,she could feel the goosebump rishing on her skin as the air suddenly started to become chill.

Moving towards the large glass window she closed it for not letting the cold january winds come into the room, and adjusted the duvet close to annika,sitting beside her she looked at her face,the glow was lost,there was dark circles under her eyes,her face look tired while her lips quivered and pale.she was a completely different.she stroked her palm on her hair,as tears started to decend down her cheeks with out her consent.

Hearing sniffling sounds from somewhere annika sleep was disturbed,she slightly opened her eyes and tried to adjust towards the bright illumination and when it did she saw Gauri sitting beside her crying.It pained her to see her like this.to be true she felt some connection towards this girl,a long lost relation it seems and for a few millisecond she thought her to be her chutki,her little sister with whom she was parted when they were small. But she know she can't be her but she was happy to get a sister like her,the feeling the warmth she got when gauri was with her was somewhat good and beloved.

"gauri"Annika called out softy,smiling at her while she was alert,turninig around she wiped ehr tears and then faced her again with a fake reliefed smile as if nothing had happened to them,"Oh god I'm really sorry, I disturbed your sleep"she said appologectly making annika shake her head in neglect,"Ahh! No not at all gauri, I was just feeling lonely and didn't knew when sleep came over me,now it's great that I got a company because no one let me leave this awful bed,I think I'm married to this bed and not with your bhaiya"Annika said softly,twisting her mouth in an irked manner,her voice was weak with sheer enthusiasm,gauri jsut gave a soft chuckle and shaked her head "BTW is Shivaay and rudra at home yet?" Annika enquired as she tried to sat up straight making gauri adjust some pillow at the back to make her sit properly,"Hmm.. No they must be on their way"gauri answered.

There was silence for sometime between them,which was broken by gauri"Bhaujai,you will be fine soon"her eyes started to stink while a smile broke through annika's face"Telling this to me or to yourself?"making gauri miserable,she doesn't know what to say because she was too confuse on this,weather she was assuring herself or her? Maybe herself ? and a defeated sigh escaped her mouth,taking her hand in her's she started to stroke her thumb in circles,making annika look at her with a warm expression,

"You know what annika bhaujai"Gauri started softly"when I came here, everything was new for me,I swear,I wasn't that comfortable,everything was new,new city,new place,new house,people, but eventually everything came back to normal,but at some point of time I felt a little odd maybe,because I was missig my Mom? but when I met you, I felt as if I was back to home,I got my family back,I know it's wierd but I can't do anything about it, how I considered you as a sister, and at times like a mother I don't know, but it felt right,like it was the rightest thing ever happen, but now--"she stopped abruptly as tears started to decend down her cheeks,annika looked at her amused,she felt overwhlemed to know what she was meant for gauri and it hurts her more seeing her like this,

"But now what gauri?"Annika asked softly,griping her hands,she looked straight in her eyes and whispered something which made annika to close her eyes shut,she can't see that emotion in the honey brown orbs of gauri which was identical as her's,"I'm scared"gauri just kept her head on annika's lap and started crying"I can't loose my elder sister this early,there are so many years we have to spend together,you won't leave us na?"Annika don't know what to say to this pure soul,she just stroked her hair softly with a small smile,"Gauri it's too late now" this is the only thing which came out of her mouth because annika knew this is going to happpen,this disease will surely take away her life one day and no one can do anything.

But at some corner of her heart,there is still a ray of hope that she will be alright,just because of this family,just because of gauri,for shivaay,she will not give up but it seems it's just useless to think about it.

They really don't know that they have an audience watching them from the door,the person smiled sadly as he saw the emotional bond these two important ladies of his life shared,one his wife,while the other was his bhabhi or his best friend,rubbing off the tear drop with a swift of hand,he turned and headed towards the hall,trying to call shivaay as well as rudra to know where they were and what the doctor said.

"Hello O come to the Park soon"Rudra stressed voice was heard on the other side of the mobile and Omkara knows, something is terribly wrong.


Hello everyone! back with the next update, I hope you all like it, to be true this update had to be the most important chapter of this story, it will set the story in action for the future. I know it doesn't contain any of shivika scenes but as I have told, this story is not only about shivika but something more than that so this was required. And the next update will be of Obros, which I hope you will like it too.

Sometimes some bonds don't need ot be given a name, it is more beautiful then expected.Unsaid bond what it is called.

Do tell me how was it and encourage me so that I can update it soonish.


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