The Party

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Kara flew into Alex's apartment and rushed to the bedroom. Alex kept her house clean, except the bottles of whiskey on the kitchen counter. Kara smirked when she saw that.

"Alex?" the blonde yelled through the flat confused that Alex wasn't in the bedroom.
"Kara ..." Alex walked out of bathroom, wearing a long red dress, "What?"
"Are you wearing that tonight?"
"Is there something wrong with it?" Alex immediately started looking at the dress, hoping that there wasn't a hole somewhere.
"No, no, no ..." Kara jumped to her side, "You look beautiful, Maggie will like that."

Instead of an answer, Alex widened her eyes and smiled nervously. She looked at her sister and the sight calmed her down a bit. Kara was wearing her classic shirt, sweater and skirt combination, but her face said it all. If Maggie would hurt Alex, she would probably ended up confronting Kara's fist.

"Kara, there is something ... If I'm going to be with Maggie ... I'll have to tell her about you eventually."
"Alex," Kara gasped as she sat down on the bed. They never talked about revealing Kara's identity to someone else.
"I know," Alex nodded and sat next to her. She grabbed her sister's hand and cocked her head a little, "I'm not saying, that it has to happen soon, but you saw her today ..."
"What if you break up?" Kara spat out, before even realizing it.
"Wow ..." the agent seemed a little hurt by the question, "Did you actually see Maggie? I won't let go of her."
"The dimples?" the Kryptonian laughed.
"God yes, the dimples." Alex nodded seriously and her eyes pierced Kara as she kept laughing.


The party was big. Obviously Cat wasn't saving any money. 'Luthor after all' flashed in Kara's mind when she landed right in the middle of the dance floor and saw Lena all alone in the corner of the room.

"Supergirl," a sharp voice cut through the room.
"Miss Grant," the Kryptonian nodded as she turned around to face her former boss.
"Nice to see you," Cat smiled and leaned closer, "Even though I don't see Kara ... again."
"Um ..." Supergirl swallowed before continuing, "I'm sure she just ran to the bathroom or something."
"Or something ..." Ms. Grant slowly repeated, "Well, go and do your job. And if you see Kara, send her to me."
"Sure, Miss Grant," She smirked and kept one eyebrow up in an obvious question.
"Do I look like I am going to be looking for a waiter to get myself a drink?" Cat shook her head and grinned as she left Supergirl standing there.

Kara looked around and saw Alex and Maggie standing nearby. The detective was obviously astonished with how her 'girlfriend' looked in the dress. Alex made eye contact with her and Kara gave her a warm smile before she headed off to talk with Lena.

"Ms. Luthor," She leaned on the table next to the CEO, "Care for some company?"
"Supergirl," Lena squealed excitedly, "Of course, people still think that I knew about my mother and Cadmus, so ..."
"Well," Kara stood back up, "I was also confused for a while. Give them some time."
"I have nothing but time," Luthor smiled, but Kara could see the sadness in her eyes.
"I'll check the perimeter and be right back with you, okay?"
"Have you seen Kara around?" Lena surprised her with the question. An amused smirk appeared on her face when Supergirl widened her eyes.
"I'll look for her," Kara covered her surprise, "Ms. Grant wants to see her too."
"Well ..." Lena waved her hand, "Don't let me keep you."


"Danvers?" Maggie tried to get Alex's attention, but the agent was lost in her thoughts.

"Alex?" Detective leaned into her and whispered into taller woman's ear, "Wake up."

"Fuck ... I am so sorry Mags," She paused for a moment, watching how the last word make Maggie's eyes sparkle, "I ... I just zoned out for a second."

"A second?" She asked as she raised her eyebrow, "What were you thinking about?"

"You," Alex answered without hesitation and Maggie smiled, showing off her dimples.

"What about me?" the agent could feel her even closer and Alex decided to ignore the people around them as she lazily put her arm around Maggie's waist.

"Way too early to say that out loud Sawyer," she responded with an amused smirk on her face.

"Is that so?" Maggie softly chuckled before she playfully bit down on her girlfriend's neck. Alex knees buckled, almost giving up on her.

"You okay there Danvers?" Maggie noticed immediately.

"Yeah," Alex cleared her throat, "Kara!" she yelled at her sister, hoping that she would save her.

"Okay ... " Maggie scoffed and pulled away.

"Alex," Kara practically beamed, she hugged her sister and turned to the detective, "Maggie."

"Hello little Danvers," the cop nodded in acknowledgement. Her frowned when she noticed the guy standing next to Kara was staring at Alex.

"Um ... " Kryptonian smiled awkwardly, "This is Mike."

"Nice to meet you," Detective said with a reserved voice.

"You too," Mon-El, aka Mike, grinned and his gaze turned back to Alex.

Before Maggie could say something, he pulled Kara away from them. Alex looked at the cop and rolled her eyes at the smug expression on her face.


Mon-El hugged Kara and held her tight. She knew she should be enjoying it, but her eyes sought out Lena. She found her, still there, alone in the corner. The Kryptonian broke free from the hug and slowly walked towards the CEO. Mon-El was right behind her, following her like a lost puppy.

"Lena," Kara smiled and stopped, standing really close to the other woman.
"Kara, nice to finally see you here," Luthor bit her lip and tilted her head, "And who's this?"
"Mike," He offered her a handshake, but Lena seemed more than oblivious, "Her boyfriend."
"Cute," She scoffed and turned her attention back to Kara.
"You just missed Supergirl."
"Damn," Kara faked a frown.

Before the conversation could continue, a loud thud on the rooftop interrupted the party.

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