Isabel's POV

It's been a week and I haven't heard nor seen Harry.

I miss him

After that announcement, all males 18-35 gathered to register for the military. It took me ages to look for Harry but he was already being dragged by his mother to their car after signing the papers at the front.

I want to go to him, I need to reassure him that everything will be alright. But I don't want to leave my mom in the middle of the crowd nor do I want to risk being embarrassed or scolded by Harry's mom.

I still hope though, that he will look my way.

I saw him looking through the mass of people, I need him to see me, I need to know what he is thinking.

I waved both my hands, desperate for him to know where I am.

At last he saw me. But he was already inside their car. Her mom looked scared, I would be too, it's Harry for goodness sake!  Her only son. Anyone who's a mother wouldn't let their child be put to a war, even though they're one of the elites and could pay the military pounds for pounds, It wouldn't do a thing. The government takes their job seriously, plus they're desperate now. They're willing to send off anyone for the sake of their land and their people.

Harry did not break his eyes off me even when the car started moving. I still held my mother's hand behind me as my shoulders slumped and gave a small wave back to Harry.

I was content for a moment, not until I saw a flicker of fear and sadness on his eyes. Even from afar I could feel him, I know him too much to just ignore that look. I held back my tears and pray that everything will be alright


Now here I am, looking through the sunset, under a tree waiting. I miss Harry so much.

I went back everyday for the past days hoping he'll be here but still nothing.

My mom knows I always come here and she kept on reminding me to be careful since I'm alone. I don't know how to contact him, he's on the rich side of the town and it's so hard to go there without discrimination and disapproval from people.

Earlier my mom told me that Harry's family were very devastated to know that they have nothing to do against the government's decision, so they spent most of their time with Harry and won't let him venture out.

But since the new soldiers will go for a training next month they are very careful and protective for Harry. I know he's itching to see me now, I can feel it, that's why it didn't stop me to go here everyday.

The sun's about to disappear in the horizon and I decided to leave. Maybe he just can't find time to go out, maybe he's out there in their mansion waiting for me, but how can I go there without being noticed. Maybe I have to start a plan.

I started to get up and fix myself. I have to think of a way on how to get to him. School starts 2 weeks from now and if I wouldn't be able to see him then it would be pointless after all. School is hectic especially now that there's an arising war far north. They will do anything for us to be woke regarding the enemies, they will train us, I know for sure.

As I follow the trail back home from the fields I couldn't stop thinking about my dream and Harry's. We both wanted to be doctors. We both wanted to study medicine and maybe build a clinic when everything would turn out okay. Taking up a medical course wouldn't be as easy as I thought it would be. Mom took up midwifery with a scholarship and that's why I'm studying hard to take up scholarship too. Harry on the other hand won't have a problem. Taking it would be very expensive and I know for a fact that his family would give him the best, spending thousands for his education wouldn't be a hindrance.

Harry had convinced me to take up medicine with him on this very expensive school, he will help me pay for it, he said. But that would be stupid for me to accept, I wouldn't let him pay for me. That's why working hard for my education right now would be a priority. I would give my very best just to get a scholarship on a community college on the other side of town.

I fiddled with my fingers and thought of what might happen next, he will be entering the military. His dreams of becoming a doctor would be put to stop, but he can still be one right? Yes he can if the war will stop and everything will be back to normal.

I inhaled deeply as I remembered several attractive and gorgeous women inside the military, the nurses, the doctors and some agents. Harry will be there and there will be temptations, what if he finds one and realizes I'm not the one for him. What if with countless entertainments and women he will find me boring and look for a new one?

........Nevermind, I trust him and he told me so many times how much he loves me. He is faithful, he is loyal, he has to be.

As I was a block away from our small house, a thought came to mind. What if I'll finish college and maybe apply as a military doctor, that would be efficient. I could be near Harry and we would be able to see each other.

Yes That is!!

I ran as fast as I could to our house and look for mom. "Mom! I'm home!"

I found her on the kitchen setting up plates for dinner.

"Dear, it's evening now, I told you to go back before sunrise!" She scolded me in a very smooth voice. That made me guilty so I hugged and kissed her.

"Sorry mom, I just miss Harry so much, I thought that maybe he will be there this time" I said with a tone of disappointment.

Mom exhaled deeply and led me on the dining table to sit. "Bella, I know you love Harry so much, and I like that boy for you, but please just this once, think about yourself" she said with a concern in her voice. "He will be here soon, he won't just disappear and not tell you, I know that boy"

"That's the point mom, I don't know why he hasn't been in the field for days now" I replied back "He disappeared and hasn't told me why"

"I told you, his parents aren't permitting him to go out, give him some time, he will be back", she sat in front of me and smiled.

Her smile reassured me, but I'm still not over the fact that I don't know where and what he's been doing for a week now.

"Now tell me, Harry wouldn't want you going there in the fields and going back home at night alone right?" mom looked me straight in the eyes.

"No", I whispered

"See? Now let's eat since I still have work to do later" she started to put some soup in my bowl "Patience my dear, patience"......

I love my mom so much. I am so thankful to have someone as understanding as her. She's right "Patience" and I know Harry will be back in no time. I will be able to see him before he gets off to war.



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