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Me and Erika had arrived home and I felt terrible Erika made me some soup and gave me a blanket, she suggested a sleepover in her room and I agreed because I really didn't want to talk to tony about this yet. I know he will be supportive but I don't want him to worry too much also it will be hard to talk about but I will have to explain the hickeys if he sees them.
Anthony POV
Erika: me and meg are going home
Anthony: why is everything okay?
Erika: yeah we are just tired see you guys at home or tomorrow

I wasn't sure if I believed Erika but if she was lying it must be for a good reason so I just forgot about it for now and carried on at the party we headed back at 4 in the morning and when we arrived Megan and Erika were asleep in erikas old room I went in kissed meg on the forehead and then went to bed myself
I didn't know it was possible but I feel worse than yesterday it wasn't like it was pleasant my legs ached and my heat hurt because I wasn't wet when he raped me I decided I might as well be miserable and productive so I got out of bed threw on some comfy merch and sat down at my desk. Luckily I knew that I could blame me lousy mood on being hungover because I knew that everyone else would be too it was quiet in the house which was odd:
Jake: morning
Jake: so you and Erika left early? Why?
Meg: we were tired
Jake: im not convinced
Meg: well why else would we leave * I snapped *
Jake: calm down I don't know alright
Meg: sorry I am hungover * I lied*
Anthony: hungover huh?
Meg: oh hey and yeah
Anthony: okay morning babe * kisses my forehead *
Meg: morning * smiles*
Anthony POV
I knew for a fact that meg wasn't hangover she only had one drink and that drink was Diet Coke she wasn't even drunk. Why is she lying?
Anthony: babe can I talk to you in private ?
Meg: yeah sure
We go upstairs and close the door behind us
Anthony: I know you aren't hungover
Meg: what do you mean?
Anthony: meg you only had one drink and that was Diet Coke
Meg: yeah I know I just snapped at Jake cause I am in a bad mood
Anthony: what happened?
Meg: nothing
Anthony: don't lie
Meg: ask Erika I don't want to talk about it
She walked out the room . I immediately went down to talk to Erika I have to know what's going on
Anthony: Erika?
Erika: yeh
Anthony: can I talk to you in the office please
Erika: sure one sec
We go into the office
Erika: so what's up
Anthony: it's about meg
Erika: well why can't you ask meg
Anthony: I did but she told me to ask you
Erika: ok wait here a minute I will be back
Anthony: okay
Erika: can you come and talk to me in the office?
Meg: yeah coming
When I walk in I see Anthony and I immediately want to leave so I glare at Erika because I know that I can't
Meg: *whispers* I can't tell him
Erika:* whispers * its fine I will but you need to be here
Erika: okay meg go sit next to Anthony
I obey.
Anthony: okay so what happened
Erika: meg got raped at the party
Anthony: what? * quietly*
Erika: she got raped
Anthony: *starts crying* meg?
Meg: *through tears* yeah
Anthony: omg
He hugs me and we both cry Erika leaves and we continue to hug
Anthony: what did he do to you
Meg: you know what he did to me
Anthony: but like in detail
Meg: Anthony I can't but..... * pulls down sweatshirt to show hickeys and bite marks*
Anthony: I'm so sorry baby
Meg: it's not your fault
Anthony: no it is I should have been with you
Meg: no you shouldn't it was your party and I was in the girls toilets
Anthony: I can't believe it
Meg: um can I ask you something
Anthony: yeah anything * wiping tears*
Meg: can we not have sex for a bit whilst I like process what has happened and try and get over it and you know become comfortable.
Anthony: yeah of course
Meg: thank you
Anthony: come on let's go
Meg: where
Anthony: to play x box
Meg: *laughs* okayyyyy
We go upstairs and play Anthony doesn't even mention anything about it which I am grateful for this turns into a lazy day where I just kind of do nothing but slob around suddenly it's time to go to bed
Anthony: alright night * starts to walk out*
Meg: no stay * pulls him back*
Anthony: but I thought you didn't want to
Meg: we can still cuddle
Anthony: okay but it is gonna take all my energy to control myself
Meg:*laughs* come here
We fall asleep cuddling

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