Chapter 7

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Jessica's POV

It's been a week since I saw James at the store. I still couldn't figure out as to why he wanted to talk, why now? After 4 years.

It's now Friday and I'm getting ready to go to work when my phone goes off.

"Good morning, mom. What's up?" I said.

"Morning, sweetie. I called to asked if you wanted to come over for diner tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course. I come to you right after work. I'm off at 6."

"Okay, great. See you tonight, sweetie. Love you."

"Love you too, bye." I replied and hung up the phone.

I ran downstairs to eat breakfast and then left to go to work.

It was now 1pm and I just had my lunch break when a brown haired girl walked into the store.

"Good afternoon, welcome at Music King. How can I help you?" I asked.

"Hello, I wanted to give my boyfriend personalized drumsticks. Do you guys do that?" She asked.

"Yeah we do. What do you want to put on the drumsticks?" I replied.

"I wanted the drumsticks to be red with his name on it in black."

"That's cool, what's his name?" I asked.

"Tristan Evans." She said and I looked at her.

"Tristan Evans? Okay." I said as I wrote his name down. "What size of drumsticks does he play with?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry" She apologized.

"It's fine, why don't you ask you boyfriend and then give me a call. We will call you when you can pick up the drumsticks. You can pay when they're ready" I smiled

"Okay, thank you so much. I'll call you later."

"Okay, thank you. Have a lovely day." I said and she smiled and walked out of the store.

An hour later the phone goes off.

"Good afternoon, with Jessica from Music King. How can I help you?" I said

"Jessica?" I heard a voice say.

"Yes, hello, who is this?" I asked.

"It's Tristan"


I sighed and said. "Good afternoon, how can I help you?"

"Jessica, come on. We haven't spoken in years. Please can we talk?" He said.

"No and that's not my fault!" I wanted to yell but I just said it quietly when I realized there was a man in the store,
"Oh right you called for the size of your drumsticks." I said on a normal tone right after.

"I'm sorry, and it's 7A."

"Okay, thank you. Have a lovely day, sir." I said and hung up before he could say anything else.

What is happening? First James, now Tristan. Why can't they just leave me alone?

It's now 6pm and I'm closing up the store.

"Bye grandma, bye grandpa. See you tomorrow. Love you." I said and they said 'love you' back. I walked to my car and drove to my house real quick to give Bradler food and water and then drove to my parents house for dinner.

When I arrive at the house, I see a car that I don't recognize standing in front of the house. I parked my car next to it. Maybe it's Lisa's car, Jane's girlfriend. I wish, because one, Lisa's hilarious and two, they are incredibly cute. I walked into the house, I don't need to knock.

"Hey mom, it's me." I yell. "Is Lisa he-" I said as I walk into the living room. But I soon as got there I realized it wasn't Lisa's car in the driveway, but from someone I didn't want to see... The Simpson's.

"Jessica, hey." Ana said.

I just stood there looking at Ana, Derek, Natalie and... Bradley. I didn't know what to say or do, I was frozen. The people who hurt me and didn't spoke to me in 4 years were standing in front of me.

"What's going on?" I asked. "Why are they here? I thought it was a family dinner." I said looking at my mom ignoring the Simpson's.

"Jessica, it's been four years. I missed this. I wanted to have a dinner like old times." My mom said. I just shook my head.

"Is this some kind of joke?" I said trying not to yell.

Before anyone could say anything, Jane and Lisa waked into the house.

"Hey! Who else's car is on the driveway." Jane asked confused but smiled as soon as she saw Natalie. "The Simpson's!" She said and gave them a hug but stopped when she saw Bradley.

"Bradley, hey! How are you dude?" She said and hugged him.

"Good, you?" He replied.

"I'm good! How was tour?" She asked.

"It was fun." He gave her a weak smile knowing I was in the room.

"Hey, Jess, aren't you... Oh never mind" Jane said remembering what happened.

I just stood there, looking at my feet.

I looked up and said, "I have to go."

I was about to turn around and walk out of the house but my dad stopped me.

"Please, stay, Jess." He begged.

"No, it's getting late and I have to work tomorrow anyway. Bye Lisa, it was nice to see you again." I said and walked away.

"Please Jess, it's only 7pm." My dad said. I ignored him and walked out of the house.

Brad's POV

It's the first time in four years since I last saw Jessica and I didn't know what to do or say. She clearly didn't want to be in the same room as us.

I saw her walking away and my mind told me to go after her. To not let her go, again. For the first time I listened to head and ran after her without saying a word.

She was about to open her car door when I yelled. "Jess!"

She looked around confused and looked at me. She rolled her eyes and opened the car door.

"Jess, wait!" I said and grabbed her arm so that she couldn't get into her car and drive away.

"Leave me alone!" She said and tried to pull away, but I didn't let her.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

She shook her head and laughed sarcastically before looking at me, "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." She said and pulled away, opening her car door for the third time.

"Jessica, please! I'm sorry." I said

She looked at me with hurt in her eyes, I did this.

"Little too late, Bradley." She said and walked into her car and drove away.

"Jessica! Jessica, please!" I said as a tear rolled down my face.

I really did lose her.

"It's going to be okay. She just need time, I think." Natalie said. I didn't even know she was standing there.

"It's not going to be okay, Nat! I lost her and it's all my fault. And there is nothing I can do about it."

"We'll find a way, I promise." Nat said and gave me a hug before walking back inside.

I really hope I can fix this.

Chapter 7

Hope you liked it.

Much love,

Why? - Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now