Chapter 8

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Jessica's POV

I was woke up by my phone the next day on the couch. I picked up my phone without looking at the ID and said "hello?"

"Jess, sweetie? Where are you?"  A familiar voice asked.

"Grandpa? Why are you calling me so late?"  I asked.

"Late? Sweetie, it's 11am." Grandpa replied a little worried.

"WAIT WHAT? I'm so sorry grandpa. I forgot to set my alarm clock. I'll be right there." I said as I jumped up running to my bedroom to get ready.

"It's fine, sweetie. Is everything okay?" He asked, I could hear the worriedness in his voice.

"Yes, grandpa, I'm fine. I just overslept, I'll be there as soon as possible. I love you, bye." I said and hung up the phone, walking into my bathroom.

I lied about the being fine and the reason why I woke up late. The real reason was that I was up all night thinking about yesterday. I was too mad and sad at the same time to sleep. I just didn't  understand why parents would do this. I understand that they are very close with the Simpson's but they know how hard it is for me. And the fact that Bradley was there too makes it even worse.

The one thing that couldn't stop thinking about is what Bradley said to me. He said he wanted the talk and for the first time in 4 years he said he was sorry. Why did he want to talk and why did he apologize after 4 years? Why now? I really don't understand.

My parents called one hundred times last night, but I didn't pick up.  I eventually fell a sleep on the couch at 7am , I think.

When I was dressed I put a box of strawberries in my backpack and walked outside and drove to the store.

I arrived at the store about 20 minutes later.

"Jessica, there you are. Are you okay? You're never late." Grandma asked when I walked into the store.

"I'm sorry, grandma. I forgot to set my alarm. And no, I'm fine." I said walking behind the counter.

"Are you sure? Because your dad called this morning saying he wanted to talk to you. What's going on?"

"I'm fine, and nothing." I lied.

"Jessica?" My grandma said with a serious voice.

"It's nothing, we just had a little argument last night. No big deal."

"Okay if you say so." Grandma said and walked away.

About ten minutes later I was in the back of the store cleaning when I heard the door open. I walked  to the front of the store only to see my dad standing by the counter.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came here to talk to you."

I rolled my eyes and said, "There is nothing to talk about dad."

"Really? After you stormed out last night?"

"Seriously, dad?" I yelled.

"Hey, what is going on here?" My grandpa asked when he and grandma walked into the store.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Nothing? Jessica, you ran out of the house last night and you didn't pick up your phone, explain that to me!" My dad said getting mad.

"Because you said we were having a family dinner and the Simpson's were there."

"They are family, Jess."

Why? - Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now