Chapter 1

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Hi! I'm Maggie Goode! Daughter of the living CIA legends, Cameron (also known as the Chameleon!) and Zachary Goode. I'm a good mix of both of them, but I'm mostly like my mom, unlike my brother Matt who is exactly like my dad (it's kinda creepy). I've got my mom's height, hair, and chameleoness. Although I have my dad's eyes and smirk.
I go to The Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women in Roseville, Virginia. All the Civilians think that we are just a boarding school for bored heiresses with no where else to go, but we aren't.

That's just our cover.

Although, if you're reading this you have at least level 4 clearance which means you know all about us Gallagher Girls.
You know that we are really a school for spies, well geniuses, but they teach you everything to know for becoming an amazing spy. I hope one day I can become an amazing spy just like my parents. They always say, "the worst part of the job is not tailing an asset or tracking a bad guy down, it's the paperwork. That's why I'm doing this, for the practice (and partly because my mom did the same thing starting in sophomore year). Sadly I'm not able to read her cov-op reports because they are extremely classified (even to her own daughter)!

I've been so excited for sophomore year to start. As we pulled up to the mansion, I couldn't help but think I was finally home! Sure I've stayed in many houses in the past 15 (almost 16!) years of my life, none have ever felt more like home than Gallagher Academy. I stepped out of the limo with my parents just in time for me to be tackled by one of my best friends and roommates, Charlotte Newman. Although, if you want to keep your hands, it's in your best interest if you call her Char.
"I've missed you so much Char!!! How was your summer?"

"Just the usual; helping my parents defuse a bomb at a ball in the US embassy in Berlin!" she said with a grin and a heavy British accent. We both laughed and I hugged her.
"Yours Mags?" she asked breaking away.

"We took a family trip to Paris and it was great! While we were there mom and dad were called on mission to Monte Carlo and we got to spend a week there helping a little with their mission tailing an asset!" We both grinned.

Char is just like her parents, mostly her mom. She has the same cappuccino skin tone, brown hair, hazel eyes, and personality.

"What no hug for me?!" I turned around to find aunt Bex and Uncle Grant standing there. I love aunt Bex like she's my own mom. She's so amazing and teaches us all these cool stuff.

"I've missed you so much aunt Bex and uncle Grant!" I said hugging both of them.

"Cam!" aunt Bex yelled at the same time my mom yelled, "Bex!" They ran and hugged each other. It's kind of funny that my best friends are my mom's best friends daughters.
My dad and uncle Grant man hugged. (If that is even a thing?!)

"Are you girls excited for this year? I heard they are making a few changes for the sophomores," my dad said smirking. Char and I exchanged worried, but excited glances. He defiantly knows something we don't.

"Super excited!" said Char.
"Is it possible you can tell us?" I asked my dad knowing the answer will be no.
"Not a chance," he smiled. I knew it, but it's always worth a shot.
"Alright girls we gotta head out. We love you!" my mom said kissing are heads.
My dad then whispered in my ear, "See you soon!" Then hugged me. They all said their goodbyes and drove away together.

"Char! Mags!" I heard excited squeals. I turned around to see our smallest, but smartest roommate, Tess running towards us. Just like Char, she's exactly like her mom, minus the eyes and she's a few inches taller. She gets those from her dad. And like both of them, she's a genius and does all the tech stuff.

"I've missed y'all so much!!!" We gather in a group hug. Even though she's the smallest, she has bone crushing hugs.

"Where's Liv?" I asked. She's are last roommate, Senator Winters's daughter. With aunt Macey as her mom, she's super into fashion and always telling us what to wear and what to not wear. It's kind of annoying, but I know she does it out of love. She's got the same icy blue eyes as her mom, but dark brown hair like uncle Preston.

"I don't know. Probably planning a grand entrance, you know how she's loves to be fashionably late," Char said and we all laughed knowing it's true.
I really hope you all enjoyed the first chapter to my first ever fan fiction! I've already written the next two chapter and I'll update them later.

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