Chapter 2

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After we finished unpacking we headed down the the Grand Hall for the welcome back dinner. Every first day of the semester we talk in English. We all sat down at the sophomore table. Everyone was talking about their summer, sharing stories about missions they went on with their parents and such. Normally I don't go on trips with my parents and siblings. I normally go with my siblings to stay at Grandma Rachel and Grandpa Joe's house (well more like cabin that's completely off the grid). The only one they truly own, the rest are safe houses. Even though I always have a lot of fun at the cabin with my aunt Ella, Lily, and Matt. (If I forgot to explain this already, Lillian "Lily" is my sister and she is a senior at Gallagher. And my aunt Ella Solomon is my mom's half sister, who is also a senior at Gallagher and Matthew "Matt", is my younger brother.) Lily and Ella always show Matt and I cool things they've learned over the years. Once they taught us a really classified trick, but I can't talk about it here. This year was different and I couldn't wait to share it with everyone.

"Hey Char? Is it true what you did at the US  Embassy in Berlin?" Juliet Hall asked. She loves gossip. I mean when your mom is Tina Hall (formerly Tina Walters) how can you not. Her mom runs a secret spy gossip column and was the head of gossip at Gallagher when she went with my mom.

Char smirked, "You know that's classified."
A second later the teachers walked down to the front of the room lead by my grandma, the headmistress. Although I did notice that one teacher must have been missing. My (step) grandpa Joe recently became the new headmaster at Blackthorne Academy for Exceptional Young Men and won't be teaching us this year.
<In this fan fiction they have the same cover as Gallagher Academy>
Technically I'm not supposed to know about it, but me and my roommates all know because of various family members going there, but that's all we know. The teachers all sat down, but my grandma walked to the podium.

As she stood behind the podium she asked, "Women of Gallagher Academy, who comes here?"
Every girl stood up and replied in unison, "We are the sisters of Gillian."
"Why do you come?"
"To learn her skills. Honor her sword. And keep her secrets."
"To what end do you work?"
"To the cause of justice and light."
"How long will you strive?"
"For all the days of our lives."
"Welcome back ladies! Have a great year!"

She smiled and we all sat down to eat. I didn't even realize that Olivia sat down beside me until she whispered in my ear, "Did you miss me?" I jumped at first a little scared then threw my arms around her.
"Liv you're here!" Tess said getting up to hug her.

"Hey guys there's a seat missing at the teachers table and I know for a fact it's for our new cov ops teacher because my grandpa Joe left," I whispered quietly so just my roommates could hear. Just then the Grand Hall doors opened. My dad came strolling in. I could tell all the girls thought he was good looking because they were staring at him with their eyes wide and mouths open and they were whispering about him. Ewwwww.
"Is he...." Liv started, but never finished because she was cut off.
"Sorry I'm late, I was held up," my dad said with a smirk.
"Just like Joe, always needing to make an entrance," grandma laughed.
"Hey, he practically raised me." My dad smiled. He walked up to the podium to stand next to grandma.
"Girls, please help me welcome Gallagher's new cov ops teacher, Mr.Goode." Everyone clapped, but my roommates and I were speachless. My dad  caught my eye and winked at me. This is going to be an interesting year in cov ops.

After dinner we all went back up to our rooms to get ready for movie night. Gallagher Girls have a tradition on their first night back since we have no homework, it's movie night (and a lot of Saturday or Friday nights). All the girls in each year watch movies all night long with their classmates in the common rooms.
"Hey Mags did you know your dad was going to become a teacher here?" Char asked.
"No he never told me anything, but that's probably why he said he was going to see me soon." I said recalling what he whispered before he left with my mom and Char's parents. Everyone always assumes that because my grandma is the headmistress I know everything. My mom said everyone thought the same when she went. Now to make matters worse, I have another family member here. Don't get me wrong I love my dad and I'm glad to be able to spend more time with him, but it's going to be a little weird having him as my teacher.

"We are about to start the first movie," Juliet said as she poked her head in our room.
"Coming!" we all replied. After the 3rd and final movie we came back to our room and stayed up till about 4:30 in the morning talking about our summers and giggling. We really regretted that in the morning.

"Wake up Mags, It's 6:30! Breakfast is staring in an hour!" Tess said in my ear. I groaned in response.
"If you don't wake up I'll have to get Char and you know what she's going to do," she said.
I sprung out of bed, "Okay, I'm up!"
Tess laughed, "That always works."

When we were all ready we walked down to the Grand Hall for breakfast. Surprisingly we were allowed to talk in English today. We got our schedules and headed to our first class was cov ops. My first real look into a spy's life. I was so excited and judging by the looks on my friends faces they were too, well except Tess. She is more on the research and development track. Although sophomore year everyone is required to take it. I couldn't wait to be in the sub levels.
"I'm so excited to see the sub levels," Char said.
"Me too, this is going to be the first big step to becoming a spy," I said. All my friend nodded their heads in agreement. We finished our food and walked to the sub levels.
"Ready?" I asked.
"We were born ready," Char replied. And with that we stepped on by one in front of the mirror to be scanned. One by one the lights turned green and all together we stepped into the elevator to take us to sub level one.

When we got to our classroom the door was locked and our classmates were outside waiting for us.
"What are we supposed to do?" Madeline asked.
"Oooh there's a note! It says meet me upstairs in the foyer with normal clothes on in 40 minutes- Signed, Mr.Goode," Tess read. We all quickly went back up to our rooms to change.

"I have to okay everyone's outfits before we leave and I'm doing everyone's makeup," Liv said and we all agreed because there was no chance we were going to change her mind.
"I wonder what we are going to be doing. Maybe we'll have to pretend to be new students at a school to steal files. Or maybe we'll be going to Blackthorne....." Tess said, she's always one for theories.

I put on my white converse (low), a pair of light washed jeans that I rolled up a little, and a gray V-neck shirt. I pulled my hair into half up half down. Liv let Tess do my makeup because she was busy doing Char's and we didn't have much time till we had to go. She did very minimal makeup just how I like it. After Liv okayed us all we walked downstairs to meet my dad.

"Okay ladies, today you all will be going on your first cov op assignment. I'll tell you all you need to know when we get into the helicopter to take us to our destination," my dad said with a smirk. We all climbed into the helicopter waiting to be debriefed.

"Today you ladies will be going to the mall in Washington, D.C."
I knew Liv and Char are excited about this. Liv let out a small squeal.
"We are not going shopping Ms.Winters," my dad said with a small smile knowing that's why she squealed.
"While you are they you and your partner will need to pick out and compromise other spies before you get compromised. Once you are compromised head back to the van. The last team not to be compromised wins. Will it be them or will it be you ladies? I'll give you one hint, people are not always what they seem," my dad finished and the helicopter took

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Sorry I forgot to post this sooner.

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