chp.15 going back to Miami

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Yn POV on the bed /next morin

waking up from the bed and you go in the bathroom and looking in the mirror and you saw your stomach just growing a little bit, then you stop looking at your reflection when August and kaiya walking in the room and saw and they were looking at you identifying your stomach and you said sum:



"k "

"um.... imma get the rest of the stuff from your room boo" said kaiya

"k boo"

*august walk behind you and holding you tight and everything got quiet till August said sum:

"Morin ma" *kisses you on the side of your cheek and rubs your stomach and said sum:*

"Morin babe"*you kiss August back*

"ready to leave to Miami " said August

"yea, I miss baby Malaysia so bad, she probably worried bout me so much"

"can't wait to meet her" said August

*phone rings*

"let me get this .....hello?" said yn

"ight" said August

"thank u......hello?"

"hi mommy" said Malaysia

"hey baby, you've been good since mommy been gone "

"yes mommy , I have been good, when ywou coming home?"

"tonight baby "

"k mommy , Mommy I miss you "

" awe, baby I miss ywou too,ight baby I'll talk to you later on ok "

"k mommy, bwye mommy ,love ywou ."

"I love you too,bye"

*hangs up*

August POV

I saw yn tearing up ,so I hold her and let her cry in my arms tight, then she stop for a while and we got the stuff and we made to the airport called the "LAX" at 10:53 pm


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