3.Baby on the way

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Bad era-1988

Today was "jackson day" a day when mostly all members of the Jackson family went over to their childhood home,hayvenhurst, and you an Michael were obviously invited getting ready to make the hour long trip over there.

"y/n?" Michael yelled from down the hall in your guys bedroom
You yelled back from applying light makeup in the bathroom mirror "yes,Michael?"

"Where's my red army looking button up! It has the gold buttons and black lining on it" he answered

You decided to not yell back, instead you set down the lipstick tube you were applying and slightly waddled down the hall, hand on your very,very apparent pregnant belly.standing in the doorway you were looking at a very defeated looking Michael with a big pile of clothes surrounding him..he frowned a little like a child

"Oh Michael, it's probably dirty" you sympathized looking down at him sitting on the floor with kind eyes kind of admiring his cute irritated look

Instead of a nice response like you were expecting he gave some sass "dirty, I haven't even worn it y/n"

"Hey" you shot in a stern tone checkin his little attitude, raising your naturally arched eyebrows
"Ask one of the housekeepers they know your closet better than we both do combined" making lots of sense, Michael got up from his seat on the floor gave you a quick kiss in the cheek as if saying thank you an rushed out the door, stopping quickly on his tip toes in front of Amelie (the housekeeper) who was currently dusting a vase..she soon enough escorted a very impatient and eager michael to another closet in another room. Just like you said.
You rolled your eyes and walked towards the stairs.Going down them with some trouble cause you couldn't even see the stairs you were stepping on!  You soon felt a warm hand on your back trying to help you a little

Turning your head to see who it was , it was bill Michael's longtime bodyguard ushering you down the marble steps

"Thanks Bill" you kindly said

"No problem Mrs.Jackson" he smiled back

"Oh please call me y/n"

he shook his head jokingly

When both of you were down the staircase near the doorway all ready to head out you finally see a well dressed Michael atop of the staircase moving quickly down the stairs

"We ready to go?" he giddily said
Obviously in a better mood now that he found his red button up with the gold buttons

"Oh, Michael we've been ready" Bill joked

Michael rolled his eyes playfully walking up to you and taking your hands in his. You arched your brow again with a smirk wondering what he was doing.

"You look beautiful" he complimented, his eyes looking into yours
Bill left the entrance to the house to get the car ready knowing to give you two your privacy

you bit your lip trying to hide a smile "thank you baby"
he looked down and smiled only to come up and kiss your lips and then without a word guide you to the car waiting for both of you.

The ride to hayvenhurst wasn't that bad ,Michael decided in the car to have a conversation with the baby making it simultaneously start kicking a little in response getting good laugh out of both of you and Mike.

Finally arriving at Hayvenhurst Bill one again helping you out of the car, Michael then taking over after I was fully out the car. We were walking up the pathway when we saw Michael's nephews running up to us

"Uncle Michael, Uncle Michael!!" they chanted excitedly Michael then crouching down to embrace the three of them I giggled at the extremely cute encounter. Following behind the boys were Tito and Randy hugs were exchanged and so was small talk.

The day was going well. After getting greeted by the boys you and Mike were off inside where the majority of the family was. You were surrounded by Latoya, Janet and Katherine making sure you were doing fine and you definitely were until you started getting these sharp pains causing you to wince catching Janet's attention

"y/n, girl you okay?" her tone dripping in concern

"yeah I'm-" you couldn't finish your sentence due to another sharp pain hitting you

Janet and Latoya started screaming in joy about being aunts (again) and Katherine started comforting you. You were looking down until you saw a pair of black loafers to look up to see a very worried yet excited Michael crouching down to hold you up to walk you to the car

"Jackie get everyone to the hospital! Janet call bill and tell him it's very, very, urgent" Michael ordered everyone then soon started talking to you

"Baby don't worry okay? Imma take care of you and make sure this baby comes into this world right" smiling then kissing you lightly on the cheek.

Should there be a part 2 to this? Idk you guys tell me if you'd like me to continue this one! Tyyy vote & comment <3

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