Chapter 13: Karma

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After about a minute of angry silence (which I wish it would stay in) Haymitch speaks up.

"Well, well, well. Katniss there is no guarantee that there will be bows and arrows in the arena, but during the private sessions with the Gamemakers show them what you got. Until then stay clear of archery, all right? Do you know how to set traps?"

"I know a few basic snares." She mutters in reply.

"Well that might be a scale tipper when it comes to collecting food, so improve your skills with that. And Peeta, she is right, don't underestimate your strength in the arena. Very often, strength tilts the advantage to the player. In the training they will have weights, but don't reveal how much you can lift in front of the other tributes. The plans the same for both of you. Go to group training. Learn something you don't know, throw a spear. Swing a mace. Learn how to tie a decent knot. Save showing what you are best at until the private sessions with the Gamemakers. Are we clear?"

Me and Katniss both nod our heads in agreement, though we still don't take our eyes away from our hands, Haymitch sighs and continues.

"One last thing, I want you by each others side every single minute." And with that he leaves. I lift my gaze to where he was sitting. I try to act angry but I'm jumping inside, I actually have a reason to talk and be with Katniss. It takes all my will power to not skip to my room in pure delight. Katniss on the other hand looks down right angry. Unless she is a really good actress I don't think she is pretending. Damn it, Peeta.

She scrapes the chair forcefully and makes a point of stomping off. I just smile once she has left the room.

As I start to follow behind her to our corridor, she makes a loud bang when she closes (or slams for that matter) the door shut. I think President Snow might of been able to hear it across the road.

I think I might need my ears checked out. Great.

Once back in my room I shower choosing lemons as my scent to impress Katniss, since that is what she was using earlier, and I dry my hair. I put my training clothes on and leave once it is 9:30, might as well be early.

I find Effie already at the elevator.

"Oh, hello Peeta! You are early, good for you! Now we shall just wait for Katniss then we will go to floor - 24!"

I should of known that the floor we train on would be floor - 24.

"How long have you been here Effie?" I ask.

"Since 7:45! I had breakfast in my room then came right here. I like being on schedule!"

Since 7:45? She is crazy!

Katniss takes ten minutes to show up, after that we all go to floor - 24. We get there at quarter to, but we are the last ones there, and like the chariot rides we are all silent and standing in a circle around a woman, our trainer, called Atala. A woman comes towards Katniss and I, with pieces of paper saying 'DISTRICT 12' on them.

We once again are the only ones who look alike. Thank you Cinna and Portia.

Once we have joined the circle Atala explains the rules of the training. I pay attention to her, but can't help sneak a few glances at Katniss. A piece of ebony hair is front of her grey eyes, but I can still tell that she is sizing up the other tributes. I decide to do the same.

Suprisingly I come about third when it comes to height. YES! With Thresh being the tallest and Cato following. Though I think most of them out weigh me, they have BIG muscles. Yikes.

Once explained about the training center we are set loose, and this is literal, the careers run of to the most scary weapons and flaunt them in front of the others trying to intimidate them and I think it is working. The girl from seven looks at them with fear whilst she tries to throw a spear alongside Cato. Well he is Cato.

I realise Katniss is still inanimate beside me and I guess she is looking at where everyone is going like me. She appears to have forgotten about me, because when I touch her on the shoulder and ask,

"Where to now?"

She jumps and acts surprised I'm still there, seriously Katniss? But she quickly regains her cool manner and replies,

"I say we go tie some knots."

"Right you are." Since that is what I was thinking.

After learning a few knots taking an hour each to perfect them. We move on to the spear throwing.

When Katniss is throwing a spear I notice something moving in the corner of my eye and I see little Rue watching us behind a column. She sure is quiet! I tell Katniss and rather harshly she says,

"What are we gonna do about it?"

This surprises me as she partially reminds me of Prim, maybe it wasn't intended.

"Nothing I just though I should let you know." I tell her and she just nods in thanks.

The next day we go to the the non-weaponry areas and focus on survival skills, Katniss passes the edible plants test with flying colours and I well, didn't pass with flying colours to say the least.

But I do well, extremely well in the camouflage area. It isn't surprising I do well in this since I decorate the cakes in the bakery, but I do better than I thought. I make look like the light is hitting it in different angles and I think camouflage is my best bet to surviving.

I see Katniss looking at my decorated arm in surprise and I say to her,

"I do the cakes."


"I do the decorated cakes in the bakery, have you ever seen them?"

Realization hits her and says that Prim loves them, I just smile in return and say,

"Frosting the last act of defense!"

She laughs and replies "But you can't frost in the arena!"

"Well say there is a massive cake...-"

I'm interrupted by her saying, "And I say we move on."

So rude Katniss. So rude. If I didn't 'like' her like her I would find her rudeness annoying, but I do 'like' her like her so I find it funny! I'm gonna find it annoying soon, right?

Stupid Karma.

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