It's okay to want things you can't have. It's fine to want more than they let you have - it's normal to have different plans and ideas, it's okay to be human...
Wanting to break boundaries and fly further and beyond other people's walls and narrow expectations is brave, fearless, and powerful. Unfortunately it's those closest to you that prevent you from escaping the safety of a traditional-boxed life and unambitious futures.
I want to be allowed to make my own mistakes, not be forced to learn from ones made by others - ones that may not even lead me to the same fate as them. I believe in fate but I want to control my own destiny, find my own path and leap out of my comfort zone and try things that scare me, not inhibit my roaring passions because of other people's beliefs and outdated expectations of how a 'good and sane' person should live. Sometimes in life you have to do crazy things to liberate your soul, but when your freedom is capped, it's torture...
I'm made to think I'm delusional and a little stupid to want to face the world on my own but I love living in dreams (which could easily become reality if I wasn't chained back by overprotective authority).
My desire to be spontaneous is constantly fizzled out by my inability to just simply leave. Yes I'm eternally grateful for the love and support I have but I'm not being given the full opportunity to grow my own wings and soar to do the things I really want to achieve. I believe in life and fear the average side of it; I believe that everyone can lead a beautiful and adventure-filled life but I hate that I'm being somewhat restricted from fulfilling my own greatest potential.
Stability is important but you can't take it to your grave - if that's everyone's fate then you have to make your life worth living and reach for the things you want; I want adventurous and extraordinary experiences so that I live with no regrets and what ifs. I want to do things for me, for my own happiness not anyone else's. One day when I'm old enough to actually have the freedom I need to live on my own terms,
I'm out.