Chapter Full Moon

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{Aisha has black and white hair, black down then white at the halfway point of her ends}
~Aisha Callisto~
I walk into school fixing my raven and swan hair, I glance at April she glares at me immediately I hold back a sob. I run to my class walking pass, my teacher every student glares at me as I sit down I put my face in my hands taking a deep breath, I hum the moon's lullaby as the teacher goes on about the lesson. I look out the window watching the leaves fall down slowly I think about my father, he died he was killed by the maiden who said she loved the moon with all her heart, she killed him in front of the moon child and looked at the child grinning ear to ear she sickly said "If you don't want to be where your father is you'll be quiet you wretched beauty" she hated me because, of my beauty? I believe I am the ugliest creature on earth and everyone seems to agree after what happened to, Jayla they believe I killed her and well for that since everyone can't see what happened. Mistake of the moon, comes in and takes away most of my eyesight I sigh, and get up before anyone does going out the school yelping when April pushes me to the ground she holds out her hand and smirks, "Let me help you up, Aisha." I take her hand and gasp as my breath is knocked out from me when I fall on my back I take a deep breath and get up shaking. I walk away from her not saying a thing April's eyes show, guilt for a second then disappear I shake it off walking home. I get pinned in the alleyway by the foot, I take a deep breath and scream shattering their robotics I walk away I open the door, to find my so called mother on the couch sucking a mans face off I make my way upstairs reminding myself to make dinner. I open my down to only be knocked out and I hear voices before I faint, 'Fuck Mikey look what you did!' the world then, turns black.

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