The Sitter

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"I'm sorry, did I hear you correctly? Your parents got you a babysitter?" Itzel asked.

"Ha...a babysitter for you...classic." Benny replied.

"Shhh." Ethan hushed them. "And it's not for me, it's for Jane."

The three friends made their way to the main hall as they noticed the principal hanging a poster. Noticing it was a missing teen on the poster Itzel faced Ethan and Benny.

"I didn't know a kid went missing..."

"Well, the guy might show up at some point," Benny replies.

Soon, a group of seniors caught their attention as they made their way towards the principal's office. They observed the entire encounter unfold, observing closely as the potential leader of the group casually took a sip of his coffee. His demeanor suggested authority as if he had somehow ensnared the principal in a trance-like state. With confident strides, the leader departed, his entourage of friends trailing behind, leaving the principal bewildered in their wake.

"Drama club... always making a scene," Benny muttered, his tone tinged with a hint of exasperation. As he turned to leave, his footsteps echoing down the hallway, his friends offered him

 unsure smiles, not quite aware of what had just happened.

"Well, that was odd. Does stuff like this normally happen?" Itzel asked, breaking the silence that had settled among the group.

"How should we know? We're just as new to high school as you are," Ethan replied, his voice carrying a note of uncertainty.

"I mean, in the town," Itzel clarified, seeking insight from his peers.

"Have you met us? We pretty much spent the whole summer playing video games. How are we supposed to know what goes on in the town?" Benny retorted, a hint of sarcasm lacing his words.

"Well, now I know I've met some friends that will truly stick with me if they're always indoors," Itzel remarked with a chuckle, a sense of camaraderie settling over the group.

"Hey, you're just as guilty as us," Ethan defended, a playful grin on his face.

"Fair point," the newcomer conceded, acknowledging the truth in Ethan's words.

With their conversation concluded, they dispersed to locate their lockers, stashing away what they didn't need and retrieving what they did before heading off to their first class, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air as they embarked on their high school journey together.

• • •

Itzel stood in line with Ethan and Benny, patiently waiting to pay for their food. As they waited, Benny pulled out his night vision goggles, claiming them to be "state-of-the-art alien DNA detector goggles." Ethan, in his playful manner, attempted to snatch them off Benny's head, eliciting a smile from Itzel as she observed their antics. The amusement didn't last long, though, as Ethan accidentally bumped into a girl, causing her food to spill.

"Dork! Thank you so much," the girl retorted before walking away, leaving Itzel to remark on the incident with uncertainty as they watched her depart.

"Well, that's one way to make a first impression," Itzel noted, unsure of how to react.

"That is one babetastic tower of babe-alon," Benny quipped, adjusting his night vision goggles.

They returned to the line and were soon greeted by a familiar voice. It was Rory, whom Itzel had only encountered a couple of times over the summer at Ethan's.

"It's the three amigos, oh and the new any of you have a buck twenty-eight?" Rory called out from the front of the line.

Itzel reached for her wallet to help Rory out, but Ethan stopped her with a grip on her arm. Confused, she responded, "Helping out a future friend," before walking away. Despite knowing her friends found Rory annoying, Itzel didn't see him that way, just a bit childish.

She met Rory at the front of the line, handed him the money, and paid for her lunch as well. "Thanks..." Rory said, to which Itzel replied, "Itzel. And it was no problem."
They both headed back to their chosen table, waiting for Ethan and Benny. When Rory spotted the duo, he waved excitedly, drawing their attention.
"Hey guys! Over here!" Rory called out.

Reluctantly, Ethan and Benny made their way over to the table. They began to eat in peace until Benny noticed something or rather someone.

"Woah, dude, she's friends with her?" Benny questioned, drawing everyone's attention to the brunette girl Ethan had accidentally bumped into earlier, who was now chatting with a blonde girl named Erica. Benny decided to investigate, making his way over to the girls. Itzel and the others attempted to eavesdrop but couldn't make out the conversation. However, they saw Benny pointing over at Ethan as he attempted to hide from the trio.

Upon returning to the table, Benny shared the information he had gathered. "Yeah, she is definitely your babysitter," he smirked.

"Again, not for me, for Jane," Ethan defended once more.

• • •

As the school day drew to a close, Itzel stepped outside and noticed the familiar figures of the two boys she had grown close to just a few steps away. Making her way over, she witnessed Benny squeezing his juice box on Ethan, prompting a playful remark from her.

"Well, at least you're even with the girl you spilled food on," she teased, earning a glare from Ethan. "So... what'd I miss?" she quickly added, attempting to shift the focus.

"It turns out that Ethan's babe—"

"Not my babe!" Ethan interjected firmly.

"Not important. She seems to be taken, but looks like there might be trouble in paradise," Benny pointed out, gesturing towards the girl from lunch.

"It's a bummer. Well, that's high school, I guess?" Itzel responded, feeling a bit unsure of what to say.

They started their journey home together, with both boys on either side of her as she instinctively reached for their hands.

"What are you doing?" Ethan questioned, puzzled by her action.

"What do you mean?" Itzel countered innocently.

"W-why are you holding our hands?" Benny stammered, a slight tinge of red coloring his cheeks.

"I don't know, you're my friends, and I like to hold my friends' hands. Besides, if you're worried about reputation, Ethan, you have nothing to worry about. You're holding a girl's hand," she remarked, gesturing to their joined hands.

"I think I'll pass on holding hands, but I can offer my arm to link," Ethan suggested gallantly.

"What a gentleman," Itzel remarked, turning her attention to Benny. "You don't mind holding hands, do you?"

"N-no, not at all," Benny replied, clearing his throat nervously. Itzel simply smiled and linked arms with Ethan as he offered, and they continued on their way, each heading to their respective homes.

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Word Count : 1054

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Hola! So this is my very first fanfiction, and I decided to go with a movie/show that I loved from the very beginning, which is My Babysitter's a Vampire. I'm planning for the first book to be on just the movie, and then do book per season, and hopefully continue after the second season and go into a fourth book. Anyways, lets hope I get that far. I hope you enjoy!

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