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With a nurse's, who's name happens to be Sandra, help, I step out of the small hospital shower, and close my eyes as she dries me off with a towel.

It's been two weeks since they told me my diagnosis, and yes, I now need help showering. I can barely brush my teeth without becoming tired.

The tubes of my saline bag get in the way as Sandra dresses me into a clean hospital gown, but she doesn't even seem to mind it.

She helps me up, and I hold onto her as she leads me back to my bed.

I have no idea what they've been giving me, but it's made me loose too much weight, taken all my energy and power, and I'm always sleeping no matter how much sleep I had the night before.

"Can you tell Harry he can come back in now?" I ask Sandra, and she smiles and nods before heading out of my room.

I pick up one of the Englishly written Special Readings books, which we have now entitled SRBs, from the small table beside me, and flip through it.

"Hello there Avie, how was your bathing?" Harry asks as he sits at the side if my bed.

"Okay, I guess. I just wish random people didn't have to bathe me." I shrug, then furrow my eyebrows when I read the words, power through diseases with their minds.

"You know," Harry takes it upon himself to take up half the bed and lay beside me. "I could always bathe you."

I'm too into the current page of the SRB but when I realize what he has just suggested, I hit him in the chest.

"Ouch. I was kidding." He chuckles, but I know him better than that.

"No you weren't." I look to him, and he shrugs, indicating that he was completely serious.

I roll my eyes at him, then look back at the large book in my lap. I read a few words, but the letters are shaking and I soon struggle to read them. I notice an A begin to grow small legs and antennae, and the other letters follow those actions, then begin walking off the page.

I panic as I look up to the patient white board, and the letters within my name have separated, and formed into small beetles, crawling around the room.

I turn to Harry, who's eyes widen as I look to him, most likely due to the fear written over every one of my features.

"Harry!" I almost scream, but I'm feeling beetles scattering over my flesh, and Harry calls my name.

The panic in his voice seems to hint that he is yelling, but the volume of his voice is muffled by the sound of the pitter-pattering feet belonging to the small creatures now covering my entire body.

"Nothing is there." I hear Harry say in between his panicked yelling, and I notice Sandra running in, covered in bright colored beetles.

I blink my eyes and run my hands through my hair and pull as hard as I can, almost trying to remove these horrible thoughts from my brain.

After a few suffering seconds, there's a high, screeching noise in my ears. Almost sounding like a house alarm if someone breaks in.

Like a warning to get away.

It suddenly stops, and I take deep breaths as the beetles scurry off, and Sandra tries to stop the beeping of my heart monitor.

I am frustrated and upset at myself, so I lay back onto the bed and Harry pushes my hair back as he lays beside me.

"Ava?! Are you okay?" Professor James frantically runs into the room, Caravelle within his arms.

They're both dressed casually, in jeans and a T-Shirt, which makes sense because they planned to go to the park today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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