Chapter 10 :: Betrayal never ends well

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Hey guyss! whats upp?

This is my new updatee. I got out of ideas these days and apparently I fixed thia chapter again due to the error in saving, I lost half of this chapter.

However, thanks for your support by reading and voting! Thanks silent readers!

Happy reading and stay up to date !

Sincerely with lots of love,


*Clara POV*

After a few weeks staying in the Crimson's mansion, I've decided to moved back to my old home. Packing a few things of my belongings , the Crimson's prepared almost all the necessities that I need so what I had was only my phone, old clothes that I wear when I came here and a simple brown leather purse. I felt totally relieved and blissful that I'm returning home ~ to my parents home. I missed every inches of that house, the simplicity homely feeling I couldn't forget, humorous laughter when I've always been the one to act ludicrous and my innocent juvenile pretention melts tensed atmosphere in our house, eventhough they argued and fight sometimes, they would never failed to backed up with each other for the sake of me.

I sighed loudly picking up my small leather shoulder bag walking toward the door to twist it opened. Staying in this massive majestic mansion was a chance of a lifetime, everyone would be exhilarating and jumped like crazy to rejected this offer. On the other hand, I'm grateful for their generousity and shall concede my full recovery from my mourning processes. Leaving with Nathan was a right choice, he agreed last night when I said to leave in the morning he was beyond happy ,his smile was too big for the happiness in his eyes showered me as if I was a lottery that he won. I chuckled at my own thoughts strolling along the corridor to find the second door neared the staircase to Valentino's room.

Guilt quickly emerged me as I enclosed the distance toward his room, I knew well that I had humiliated him in spite of granting his wishes, I admit he's awfully handsome with his messy browned hair , his signature smirks alluring and tempting , and above all his eyes was deadly. Every woman would die for him to touch them. Unlike Nathan, he's a player type and insecurity was found when I'm with him. Nathan provided me the warmth, feeling of home, secured in his embrace, safe. Being loved.

No matter how, I should at least said goodbye and thanks to him. Maybe I don't really need to , but my conscience would betray me if I tolerate rudeness and ignorance of their courtesy. I slowly knocked the door, still hesitate of my knocks, wondering if he would even opened his door or even acknowledged my presence. He is a vampire, of course he would know it's me. Silly me.

There was no hint of his presence in his room.

A cold chill breathe on my neck startled me causing me to cringe in fear as goosebumps covered my skin. I wouldn't dare to looked who's behind me, my heart beat races uncontrollably, knowing exactly who's behind me. Without turning my head, I took a deep breathe swallowing a lump in my throat, fear overtook my body , my knees weakens struggling to stand or even ran. Instead I froze on my feet ,cold sweat rolling down my forehead.

"Get in"

His demanding whisper deliver frosty chills, I took a deep breath and obeyed his command unwillingly, twisting the doorknob entering into the dark lifeless room.

The colour of the curtain must be totally opaque that it didn't let a single loophole for the light to shone in the room.

I shut my eyes and open them after a few seconds, striving to ease myself to see in the dark. I could only sighed at the limited eyesight, I frowned as I realized I was concentrated too much of my surrounding , I didn't notice his absence.

I blinked and trembles of the dropping temperature of the room, in seconds I caught an intense dead stare of his, boring into my soul, it was undescriable as if he was tearing my heart apart, crumbling it into tiny pieces, fear swept over me as he continuosly to stare into my eyes while I stared at him in return.

His sudden sinister laughter flabbergast my inner self ,I jumped holding my arms to steady myself. A sob escaped my mouth as I covered my mouth with my right hand, the other squeezing my upper arm.

"You are lucky you aren't dead.. yet." He hissed , his gaze never left mine. I cringed at the word yet , i felt vulnerable, perplexity crowded my vision.

"I..I'm sorry..." i managed to spoke out.

His crimson red eyes turned to black as he slammed me onto the bed, hovering over my limb body ravenously ripped off my clothes exposing my pale skin and black matching undergarment underneathe.

I sobbed and trembled uncontrollably ,he held my hands tightly above me with one of his hand, as the other grip my head away to gain more access toward my neck. Fangs drawn out as he sniffed my scent deeply and pulled slightly away from my face.

"Sorry...?! Don't bother apologizing kitten.

What I'm going to do next will be your damn hell, I will watched you die slowly and sucked all that precious life out of you." He atrociously chortled pleasing of what he has said.

"Get off me jerk! You don't deserve any life of mine! " I endeavored to push him away with my whole strength, he didn't even moved an inch. He grinned showing his fangs, his grip tighten his nails digged into my skin, I winced of the pain .

Oh God.. this is not how I wanted to end my life. I still have so many things to do , my pouring heart words to Nathan, my feelings all these years, in despair I could only picture his face smiling.

If this is the end, then let it be...

His fangs pierced into my skin , massive pain shocked me , warm blood trickles on my skin the last thing I remembered was the scream..

My scream..

"Betrayal never end well, sweetheart.

It never did."

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