Chapter 11 :: Turned

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Hey guyss!

This is an extra long chapter! I was too into the story and leaving it in cliff hanger might be soo edgy *cringed teeth*

I've decided to shorten up the stories (the book may extend to max 20 chapter) but I hope the plot keeps you fascinated!

Happy reading!

Sincerely with love,


*Nathan POV*

It was a clear cloudy morning, sun shone sufficiently to lighten the day and the light blue colour paints the sky eventually boost my mood.

"What a wonderful day" humming cheerfully I walked to my volvo sedan , putting my medium sized luggage on my trunk. Wind breezes touches my cheek and blow through my hair gently as I leaned my back on my car waiting for my Sparky to go home. Our home.

We shared a sweet kiss last night, feeling of enchantment swept over me, I grinned wider when I remember the blushing cheeks of hers obviously abashed of my sudden confession.

"What took her so long? "

I wondered why girls often took long hours in packing and dressing up.


That scream...


I dashed into the mansion in speed banging open the door of Valentino's room, I was infuriated by the fact that he was hovering on her barely pressing his weight on her almost naked body greedily sucking her blood as she fainted.

I yanked him over pulling him away from her , slammed him to the marble floor so hard that it cracks , I punched him on his damn face displaced his jaw and noses , while he as if doesn't feel any of my hit , he laughed wickedly .

"She taste like strawberry" he teased and in seconds pushed me away from weighing on him and scurried in a flash.

Oh God, how I wanted to slick his throat and pull his heart out of his filthy body. Let him experienced extreme pain and die slowly i would tortured and slaughtered him like a beast feasting on a weak prey

My mind was enraged with so much anger ready to explode any tine and I wanted so badly to kill him , however I heard her harsh breath indicates her diminished heart beat .

I rushed to her on the side of the bed, glancing at her limb body as the blood flow continuosly from the wound, "She lost too much blood.." I panicked seeing her paled and blood floods , my desire of her sweet blood faded right away, what's on my mind is that I have to saved her. I would do anything to save her, I couldn't afford myself to lose her life without her was a catastrophic disaster.

I knew precisely if I gave her my blood, she would turned before her birthday. There's no other choice , I had to do this, going to the hospital at this state was unreachable due to the distance from this remote area to the urban area. Consequently i bitted my wrist , letting her drank my blood with her slightly opened mouth. When the amount was considered enough, I licked the remaining blood on her neck , my saliva heals the wounds , wrapping her in a blanket , I bolted as I carried her to my car and drove away .

I couldn't risk her remain in that mansion any longer at that state, she could rehabilitate in my penthouse staying in that mansion was risky enough for the guards to caught us. I thought to myself , the thoughts of losing her was far too great, it hurts me when I see her lifeless body lying with bloods all over her. I should have fetch her. I would sacrifice myself to went through those pain she suffered.

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