I Am Nothing Without Him[Zanvis]

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[Animal AU]
[Also sad/Fluff]
[also Requested by:@ThatWeirdPerson900 ]
[Music:Stand By You(Nightcore)]
-----Nora(author-chan)'s POV-----
Zane was sleeping on his bed like usual.his soft black fur slowly moving up and down from Zane breathing when suddenly.Travis drop his tennis ball on Zane while waving his tail to side by side

"Zane play with me!"

Said Travis with a huge smile,Zane growled and trowed the ball far.but Travis bring and drop in front of Zane again.Zane got annoyed and put the tennis ball on a truck and the truck start to move.

Travis followed the truck that have the ball and Zane lays on his bed and hours past,Zane wake up and not see Travis around,the house was quiet than usual.Zane see Aphmau putting the food on the bowl.but her expression seem worried,Zane look at Travis's bowl that was full.and gived up to eat.days past and still Travis not comeback.

Zane got exhausted to see Aphmau worried and decide to search Travis.he go for Dante's house first.but Dante not see it.than Gene,Sasha,Katelyn,Kawaii~chan,Lucinda,Zenix.but still not sign of Travis.Ein and Aaron who heard the news decided to help search for Travis while Zane is in his bed tired of moving.(Zane don't move a lot)

Another amount of days past.and Zane start to get isolated.for say the truth Travis was annoying.but still was a company for Zane.Zane felt a wave of guilty covering himself.

"What if he got hit by a car,what if he got caught by those evil humans,what if......what if he got lost and never comeback.....w-what if......"

Zane felt his guilty growing bigger and bigger and he curl up on a fur ball wanting juts to wake up when Travis come home.

"I want him..."

Zane mumbled.with his heart break apart.those reasons on mind start to consume Zane in a deep darkness until...


Zane heard a familiar voice,the voice he though that he would never hear.he lifted his head and sees Travis looking down worried at the raven' self.

"Are you ok?"

Asked Travis with his worried tone.


Zane replied tiny and soon stand up snuggling on Travis.he felt the warmth that he though that would never feel again.Travis put his left paw on Zane's back in a act of comfort.

"Don't worry Zane.i'm back."

Travis's words was so soft that Zane slowly drifting to sleep.the last thing he said and hears from himself is...

"I love you...don't leave my side..."

-----Travis's POV-----

Zane had falled asleep.he sound very cute when he see me from a long time of being alone.i carry him on my bed with him and lay down with him leaned on me.

"Don't worry.i promise to not leave your side ever again."

I give him a light lick on his top head.more like what Aphmau calls"kiss"and I slowly drift in sleep with my Raven' cat.

[i like this cat......no.....
I[love]Zane.and he is"my"special kitty cat.]

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