Chapter 1

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Hey everyone welcomes to my new fanfic this is only my second one ok Ya on to the story. (Hello there this is the older version of the author so I rewrote this)

The sunlight draped the world around me making everything have a warm feel to it. I had just finished a long day of work. My name is Izaya orihara. I'm a information broker. That means that I gather information on people, events, or organizations and cell it to other people. This line of work isn't exactly a safe line of work but it is fun. You see I've always had an obsession with human beings. I just can't help but be curious about their actions and emotions.

Many people don't understand me and don't want to. That's okay with me because I'll love them either way. Also yes I'm human but who cares about that. Anyway, I'm currently walking home annoyed at the fact that someone didn't pay what they promised so I was coming up with ways to make them suffer. I came up with a few interesting ways when I heard the very familiar yell of my name and the sound of a stop sign leaving its place.  I turn just in time to avoid the swinging stop sign and I smile and laugh. "One point for me zero for shizu-chan!"

He got even more furious and growled "don't call it that you flea!" he yelled as he threw the sign at me of course I dodged. Then his little brother kasuka taps his brother's shoulder and points to the gathering crowd. "Can we go?" he asked looking at the growing crowd. "If they realize who I am it will be a burden," kasuka said this shizu watched the growing crowd he growled and signed. "Fine but flea-" he started to say but I was already gone.

I started to run well he was talking so he couldn't have a chance to say anything. I knew it would annoy him. Once I made it back to my apartment, I realized I hadn't pulled out my blade this time which surprised me. I opened my door and there was namie my Secretary who also stalks her brother. Honestly, I am pretty sure she is in love with her brother.

She was filing some papers and then started putting them away. She looked up at me and raised an eyebrow with attitude. I grinned at her and she rolled her eyes at me. "What" she spat out at me annoyed. I laugh and sit in my desk chair. "I do not remember telling you to do anything involving files today. She gave a sarcastic laugh and kept putting files away as she talked. "Don't worry boss I'm just looking at shikes file" I leaned back on the desk thinking.

"You know.." I said trailing off as I sat up. Then I went on to say "you're a sib" she looked at me weirdly and scoffed. "What the hell is that," she said with venom dripping from her voice. I smiled "sisters into brothers S.I.B" she slammed the file door shit and looked at me. "Excuse me no I'm not and that's not even a real thing!". I shrugged and looked out the window "according to what I've seen if someone says it it's now a thing". She stomped over to her purse her heels clicking. I smile "you can leave early today I don't need you today" she whipped around and stopped over to my desk and slammed her hand dramatically on my desk. "Not until you pay me you piece of shit," she says now holding out her other hand.

"Remember payday don't think you'll pull one over like you did last month". I smile and hand her money she counts it " I can never pull one over on you namie" she rolls her eyes and stomps out. I walk to my files pulling out one of the files she away put back. It was a file on one of my newest toys. I open it and it's mostly burned. I had enough to re-find all the information again but it was annoying. I looked at the bottom of the page and there was a note saying

Dear boss

If you ever and I mean EVER try to get away with not paying me like you did last month ill do much much worse than just burn a file of one of your freak shows.
Remember never forget to pay me! Anyways have a horrible day boss

Sickeningly your assistant namie

I bit the inside of my lip and took a breath letter ng out a chuckle. "I really should just fire that bitch" I say out loud I drop the file back down into its place and stretch. I sighed and decided since I was annoyed I might as well go for a walk.

Well in walking the sun starts to set. I hear a noise and look then suddenly I feel my face being slammed into a wall and I start to lose consciousness. Then as I try and see who did it I passed out my body falling to the floor.

~time skip from your wonderful new update~

I feel a soft itch on my face I wiggle my nose to try and get it to go away. I turn a bit to get more comfy and I feel the edge of something completely comfy and what feels like a blanket. Then I feel a throbbing on my head and the events that happened before I passed out came back to me. I slowly open my eyes cringing at the light against my sensitive eyes. Ince my eyes adjust I see that in shinras house.  When I look around a bit more I see three people sitting in the kitchen at the island. One is celty the headless rider and yes she's headless all though I know where her head is.

Then I see Shinra in his white lab coat sipping something. Last but not least I see...wait shizu chan? I quickly lay back down and a pillow falls off the couch I curse in my head try and pretend that I was asleep and it was an accident. Shinra walks over and picks up the pillow "hay you awake" I don't reply "okay guess not". He tries putting the pillow back but for some reason struggles I get annoyed and sit up grabbing the pillow and hitting him. He smiles " ha! I knew you were awake the one thing your bad at is fake sleeping" I rolled my eyes at his comment and run my hands through my hair.

"Why am I here and why is he here," I ask Shinra. He smiled and turned to look at shizu. "He brought you here after he found you passed out on the sidewalk" I looked towards him not believing it then he looks away blushing. I cough "welp that's enough weird for me I'm out" I stand and put on my jacket. Then I walk out of the apartment onto the elevator. Shizu chan follows me and I pull out my blade once the doors close. "Why are you following me" he growled when I asked that. "Just put that away," he said I hesitate but in the end, I put it away but still holding it in my pocket.

Once we make it outside he still follows me. In fact, he ends up following me all the way home. Once we make it there I figure I might as well let him in. So I open the door and gesture for him to come in. He does and as soon as I close my door he slams me against it pinning me to it.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes. "I'm so sick of this game we play," he says I raise an eyebrow "what?". He huff's out a sigh and looks me in the eye. "Rember the time in high school I offered a truce" I nod of course I do I remember finding it funny. "Well, you said 'yeah sure the day I fall in love with you is the day I agree to that' and up until now, I knew you were just joking being sarcastic but recently I thought what if I made that fake promise you gave come true" I coughed my eyes wide. "Um shizu chan are you asking me to date you" he looks at me seriously.

"Yes I am," he says leaving me in shock
Lol Hello, there I hope you enjoy this edited version yes I left it with a cliff hanger! Anyway, I hope this is now actually readable that way it's more enjoyable ill be doing more chapters in the future just not today lol! Have a lovely day my humans

"Yes I am," he says leaving me in shock _____________________________Lol Hello, there I hope you enjoy this edited version yes I left it with a cliff hanger! Anyway, I hope this is now actually readable that way it's more enjoyable ill be doing mo...

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