Chapter 3

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  I put the phone down and look around till I decide to  grab the table for support. I rarely get hurt like this but as of late I've managed to get hurt quite a lot and it is really starting to make me tick. I push my self up off the floor and stand not putting pressure on my foot. I grab a bat I have in my house not really sure why but it's here so I'll use it. I limp over to the stuff I have drying and put it on. I grab my knife and shove it in my pocket.

  Then I limp with my bat cane over to the door. "It's still raining great" unfortunately I don't have the strength to carry an umbrella as well so in the rain I went. I opened my door and started to walk down the elevator and out side. I shiver as I walk through the cold rain. Of course it's cold and I just have to get hurt on a rainy day. On days like these the streets I take to get places are weirdly calming. That's the only good thing I get from this walk it's helping me Stay calm about the pain in my leg and rib.

As I walk I only see one person not that I recognize them especially because of the rain. I continue walking Shizu-Chan slowing creeping his way into my mind. I wonder what he's doing if he's okay. Hopefully not in a situation like I'm in. That would probably upset- "WHAT THE EWWW NOPE" I say out loud as I shake those thoughts from my head. He must have learned some magic cause what's running through my head should not be. I sneeze and look up realizing I'm finally at my destination.

I walk in ignoring the front desk person who in return ignores me. I've been here enough for them to just not care. I step onto the elevator end click the floor I need. My wet self leaves a puddle in the elevator. I lean on the wall to give my arm and body in general a break form the bat cane. I cough some blood coming with it. "Haha fuccckkk" I say knowing I was stupid for slipping on a damn puddle a PUDDLE. My eye brow twitched at how I've been as of late. "It's all that damn Shizu's fault" I mumble as the Elevator opens. Then I limp to the door and the moment I knock the door swings open.

Shinra stands at the door quickly looking me over and immediately spots my nice bat that I'm using as a cane. "Heyyyy" I says slowly waving he looked back at me and takes a deep breath. "You did not walk all the way here that injured" he says not happy at all. Then he fully opens the door revealing celty. She grabs my arm and helps me in. If she had a head she'd be shaking it I can tell. She brought me to the bathroom and had me sat on the toilet. Then shinra handed me a towel and some cloths. "Dry off get dressed and then I'll take a look" he says then closes the door.

  I sigh and set the bat down I do the best I can getting undressed avoiding hurting my self even more. Unfortunately there where a few times I cringed from the pain. I dried myself off then put on the cloths shinra gave me. It was just a white shirt with some loose pants. And boxers of course I'm not that nasty. Once I'm done I limp out and sit on the couch shinra comes out of a room with medical stuff and walks over to me. "You should have waited for me to come back walking could be harmful actually you should have said it was this bad I would have sent celty to get you" he says lecturing me and celty makes some tea.

  He lifts up my pants to see my foot/ankle injury he sighs. "Luckily it's just sprained" he says wrappings it up in a ace bandage. Then he takes care of some cuts and bruises. "Lift up your shirt I saw you cough a few times" I knew he would notice and I lifted my shirt he starts to examine where there's a huge bruise. I smile and talk as he does "don't you think it's interesting how people do this type of thing to others what goes through there minds when committing acts of violence I doubt it's the same as mine but I wonder" shinra looks up at me and shakes his head. "He broke one of your rib" he says and grabs some bandages.

"Luckily it doesn't look to bad but I'll need to tightly wrap it and you have to rest a lot and do some exercises here and there it will heal over time I'll also give you some pain meds" he says and hands me two small pills. I grab the tea Celty made and gulp the pills down. Then when he's finished I pull my shirt back down. Celty picks up a phone that rang a few times. She hands it to shinra who holds it between his ear and shoulder as he walks into another room to put the supply's away. Celty shows me her phone

"-why did you let him in your house-"
She typed

I shrug and take another sip of the tea. "Because he's still a client and he would probably break the door down better to have broken ribs than a broken door". She quickly typed and hands it to me I look down

"-no it's not it causes worries with shinra and you know he sees you as a good friend he'd drop everything to help you so try and be careful dumbass-"

  I smiled and shrugged "sorry sorry I'll try not to cause more problems maybe....but you know how shiki is sure I could definitely find a way to kill him but if I do that I'll have even more people after me than before which will cause more problems for our dear shinra" I say this on a tired voice then take a sip of the tea. Celty doesn't necessarily like me I don't think she hates me but she definitely doesn't like me.  When shinras back he puts the phone down and takes his tea. "Izaya this is the 3rd time shiki has managed to hurt you" he says concerned. I nod taking another sip "yeah I don't know what it is lately he manages to catch me at my most stupid moments witch not even shizu does". Shinra coughs and node apologetically.

  "Speaking of him it seems that he-" shinra was cut off by the sound of a door bell. Shinra stands and walks over opening it. I take another sip then suddenly I hear a voice taking to shinra at the door it's shizu. I stand up using my bat to quickly get into the bathroom. I'm assuming they walked in right as I left cause I could hear them more clearly now. "Where is he?" I hear shizu ask obviously ticked off like usual. Then I hear typing then shinra knocked on the door "you okay In there" he asks knowing the answer. "Totally definitely couldn't be better" I say sarcastically. I hear a sigh and the. Shuffling to the kitchen.

I sigh then slowly open the door there backs are turned to me. I look at where the exit is I can make it even hurt I'm pretty fast if I do say do myself. Then I grab the bat and rush out. Rushing into the Elevator witch right as it starts to close I see shizu rushing over but it closes before it reaches him and it starts to head for the bottom floor.

Hello there fellow human! I hope you enjoyed this edited version! I think this version is longer a well! So yay more to read.

Poem/quote: I sleep in sweat from my dream but when I awake is when the real night mare begins.

Poem by Patterson .C. mark


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