Magcon Imagines

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•••••NASH GRIER•••••

It's Nash's and your wedding practice!You were so excited for it to get the practice until the wedding day. Your dad walked you down the church. Nash went out with Cam (his best man) and his date Makenna . Then Matt and Brookelynn, Hayes and Hannah, Shawn and Lexie ,then it was Skylynn (the flower girl) then it was you.

•Skip the wedding•

Nash and your first dance turned out great! You danced to "All of Me" sang by: Shawn. He sang it so slow but that's how you both wanted him to sing it. Then it was the father daughter dance after that was mother son dance (if that make sense). After that everybody went home other than Nash's family and Cam and his date stayed to catch up. Then you thought of a good idea. It was they could do a Magcon just to catch up with each other. Everybody thought it was a good idea because we haven't seen Carter,Jacob,Jack J,Jack G,Bart,Aaron,Taylor,and Mahogany (I think I spelled that right) in like forever! So we asked Bart and the others if we could do that. He said "yes". Then everybody tweeted about it and it was going to be in Cali. Nash then picked you put bridal style and took you to the car and took you to your guys shared house that was like a mansion to you.

•skip the next 2 months•

Well let's just say two months ago you found out you was pregnant with Nash's baby this should a delight for me! but it's not you think it's easy being pregnant guess what you thought wrong. You have food cravings and not small ones big ones. You have doctor appointments. You are lazy sometimes. You're 2 months pregnant obviously and Nash is so careful and he's always tells his mom or dad to come and check on me every hour on the hour. You think it's lovely having people check on you every hour. It's gets annoying most of time.

•the plane ride to Cali.•

Well the plane ride was okay I was uncomfortable the whole time but it felt like we were on there for like 5 hours so it didn't feel like it was long to me.

•Magcon in Cali.•

You are 8 months pregnant (I skip a lot). As soon as you got there you guys (you and Nash) just realized your baby was the first Magcon baby so you were really happy about that. Once everybody had a hotel room and got settled in. Everybody wanted to go to the beach you didn't have a choice. You went with your giant stomach and everybody stared at the guys. You and the girls talked but as the day went along some girls were flirting with the guys and us girls except you because Nash stay with you the whole time. All the girls just made a circle around the girls that were flirting with the guys and the guys helped make the circle completely around. Let's said that day didn't go good

•At Magcon Cali.•

I didn't stay long and neither did Nash it's like this where I go Nash follows me. I told him to go back out there and see his fans but he didn't do what I told him to do. After staying in the hotel room you feel a sharp pain like you just got stabbed with a knife but it was a knife it was the babies is what caused the sharp pain in your side.

It's my first Imagine so don't judge me! I know it's short but as I go thy May get longer or shorter. I take request only for Magcon and o2l because that's really all I know about. I'm starting facts for Magcon and o2l and so this one is a o2l fact. So o2l fact is: Jc real name is Justin if you didn't know that.


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