She's so gone

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Taking a deep breath, she walks into the lights of the well lit make-shift stage. This was it. The moment she had been waiting for. After so long of wasting away in the darkness of her apartment living off delivery chines and pizza; nothing to keep her company other than the things on her Tv.
she closes her eyes as the flash backs come one by one. Slipping on the strap of the guitar over her shoulders, she adjusts the strings to the right tuning. In one swift and subtle movement she opens her eyes and looks up at the back up instrumentals. Each of them give her eye contact and nodded, showing they were ready when she was. She nodded in return and looked back at the bar crowed with determination.

"One. Two. A one, Two, Three, Four!!"

(You can play the music now)
In her skin
Like a puppet, a girl on a string
Broke away
Learned to fly
If you want her back gotta let her shine
So it looks like the joke's on you
'Cause the girl that you thought you knew~

She had talked to him on the internet. That's how they met. Slowly after meeting him she fell for his bad boy charm. After a while of just the two of them talking, the two decided to meet in person. They had, had their first date at the very bar she was singing in. He was sweet and kind and caring. Abusive parents growing up. Was raised a little tougher then most. She was in innocent girl. One with a gullible and naive personality.
She's so gone
That's so over now
She's so gone
You won't find her around
You can look but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she's
She's so gone

He made her cry every night. He broke her heart. Even after all the verbal abuse.. she still forgave him. She thought she could fix him. All she ever wanted was to have his love. For him to love her. For him to be himself. For him to like her as she was. Why was everything so complicated? Why was there ALWAYS a problem? Why was it ALWAYS her fault? In the end.. she didn't only feel abused.. she felt used too (Rhyme not intended).
Here I am
This is me
And I'm stronger than you ever thought I'd be
Are you shocked?
Are you mad?
That you're missing out on who I really am
Now it looks like the joke's on you
'Cause the girl that you thought you knew

It's not like she could leave him. He would commit suicide if she did. There was no way out. All she could do was believe she was in love with this man with only a shell of a person she used to know when she looked into the mirror.  Many points in time did she want to die just to end this endless cycle.
She's so gone
That's so over now
She's so gone
You won't find her around
You can look but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she's
She's so gone away

One day she just.. woke up. She had gotten up. Got coffee. Ate some breakfast. Went to work. Came home after her job was over many hours later. Ate and watched Tv. It was a typical day.
That night she lied awake. She thought over all the past events and came to a realization. He was never going to change. He never loved her. She couldn't fix all his problems for him. In that moment, she knew what she had to do.
Like history
She's so gone
Baby, this is me, yeah
She's so gone
That's so over now
She's so gone
You won't find her around
You can look but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she's
She's so gone

Over the course of the rest of that month, she had gotten lost of verbal abuse from not just her Ex but from his friends too. They had went on social media and cyber bullied her as well as gave her dirty looks whenever she saw them on the streets. The best friend of her Ex ever told her that he hopes she kills herself because it was all her fault that he killed himself. Of course.. that was not true seeing as how she saw her Ex around after that threat was made. After a while she became so scared and angry she just left social media and stopped leaving her apartment all together. She even quite her job.
She's so gone
You can look but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she's
She's so gone

Over the time of her isolation she had turned to music. She listened to it in her sleep and all times of the day. She even started to sing to the music. Not long after that, she picked up her old guitar and messed around with some of the cords. It took her a while, but after re-teaching herself how to play the instrument she started to write her own songs, reviving the flame of her childhood dream to be a singer-performer.
So long
She's so gone
Gone, gone, gone

Taking a step away from the mic, she took a slight bow. Clapping and cheering erupted over the buildings room. She slightly smirked and walked off stage. This was the fruit of her labor. She had spent a while writing this song. But every word she sang was the truth. She was not the same girl he had met. She was much stronger. He thought he could cut her down? Well think again. She was so gone.
Calmly she walked out of the bar and out the back door. She untied her jacket from around her waist and put it on. After adjusting her jacket so it sat right on her shoulders and arms, she picked up her helmet and slipped it on. Swinging  one leg over the set, she revved the motorcycle engine up by the flick of the wrist. Taking the heel of her black boots, she kicked the bike stand up; lifting it up and turning the corner. She was gone. Down the road and heading home.
After that day she has been more wiser of people, but the permanent damage was already done. Taking her flip phone, she dialed a number and held it up to her ear. After three rings the person on the other line answered.
"Hiya. This is Calamity Rose-red? I'd like to schedule my next appointment with my therapist Dr. Suzuki."

A/N: Hiya. So I want you all to know that an abusive relationship is bad. If your Bf or Gf is not treating you right than please get help out of the relationship. Once is enough but more than that? That's no. I have been in an abusive relationship. It's bad. It took me so long because I was afraid. Please, don't be afraid. You can do it. I know in my heart that if the person you are with is treating you as a lesser being, than leave them or get help, because there is someone out there who will love you and treat you the way you should be treated. Anyway. Stay spookie everyone ^^

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