My Name is Charlotte, I am 16, and I am a Human Test subject at H.I.T.S.

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I walked slowly down the empty alley, listening to my breath and my shoes against the wet pavement. Deciding to take the short way was scary, but I needed to get home. I got a call from my sister telling me that my little brother, Daniel, never got home today. I could feel my messenger bag slamming against my thigh as I began to run. Even though it was 3:00 it was dark in this alley. I heard footsteps behind me getting closer and closer until I could almost feel the person's breath on my neck. I quickened my pace a little more then broke into a sprint not wanting to look back out of shear terror. After a while, I slowed down breathing heavily. After coming to a stop I looked back and no one was there. Turning back around I let out a loud scream but was silenced by a cold hand over my mouth, and then blackness.

I woke up later laying on the ground in a small, dark room. It took a while for me to grasp my surroundings but finally my vision cleared. I was surrounded by four concrete walls and right in front of me was a tall, grey steel door. I moved towards it slowly still dizzy from fainting and knocked on it 3 times. I listened closely but nobody answered. I tried again but still nothing. Annoyed I started pounding on the door screaming "Let me out!" repeatedly. But again, to my disappointment, nothing. Tears started to brim my eyes and I slid down the door into the fetal position on the floor.

"Wh-e-eere a-a-am I?" I whispered into the darkness through soft sobs. Then I cried myself to sleep.

"Get up!" I heard a man yell at me. I slowly opened my eyes to see a large man towering over me. He was wearing a suit and had tan skin. A pair of cold, black eyes stared down at me menacingly. This had to be a dream. I closed my eyes again and pleaded myself to go back to sleep, praying I would wake up safe and sound in my warm bed.

"I SAID GET UP!" the man screamed at me, kicking me in the side. My eyes swelled with tears but I decided to stand up to this man.

"I'll only stand if you tell me where I am!" I yelled back at him, giving him a glare that said "don't mess with me bitch."

"I'm gonna warn you ahead of time you stupid girl." he said, walking slowly towards me, "If you don't obey me, you will be severely punished." I backed up to the far wall until my back was against it.

This statement scared me a little bit so I stood up slowly, tensed for what I expected would be a punishment but all I heard was:

"Follow me."

The man grabbed my shoulder and led me down a brightly lit hallway. I winced from the light burning my eyes but I kept walking. Once my eyes adjusted I looked around. This hallway was lined with lots of doors, each one had a number on it. We then entered another hallway which also had doors with numbers. He led me to the end of this hallway and through two large doors. The room we entered was white and there were machines everywhere. He led me through this room into another but at the last second I saw a morgue through a window In the first room.

"Oh my god.." I whispered under my breath as he led me through the next set of doors. Everywhere I could see there were people testing on....were those other people? Suddenly I understood. This was an illegal human testing facility. I had hear of these before; they were invented 3 years ago but instead of testing on animals, they tested on humans. Mysterious disappearances had been taking place and now I knew why.

"Welcome to the H.I.T.S. facility- Human Info. Testing Sciences." A different man said, standing in front of me. He was short but very built with a nice face. I looked at him confused. He pulled out a clip board and asked, "What's her name Bruno?" The man who had led me here replied, "Charlotte Monohan."

"Alrighty well she is in chair number 27. My name is Devon Wells by the way." He said looking at me. I nodded at him as Bruno led me away. I would play it nice for now, but I was going to come up with a plan.

We passed rows of people laying in chairs with tubes up their noses being stabbed by syringes. There were bright pink and green liquids everywhere. I was terrified. I knew there was no way to escape. There were too many workers and they were all strong and could probably restrain me quite easily considering I'm only 5'6" and quite thin. I sat down in the chair Bruno pointed at. It was made of wood and shaped like a dentist's chair. It was hard and cold. I shivered a little bit, then started shaking. The man sitting beside the chair was wearing a surgical mask and scrubs. He was young, and had striking brown eyes that matched his hair. His hair was long and a bit shaggy but kind of sexy. He also had nice bone structure.

"Sit down and put your arms on the arm rest so I can restrain you." He told me. I obeyed and put my arms up. He velcroed my arms, legs and torso to the chair. I couldn't move because I was so scared of what he was going to do to me but his presence seemed to calm me a bit. His voice was deep-ish but sexy and alluring. I supposed you needed something like that for this job or else the testees wouldn't stay still.

He tied a piece of fabric around my upper arm then pulled out a large syringe. He filled it half way with a dull grey liquid.

"This is supposed to be a cure for Appendicitis. But it doesn't work yet. Usually it causes the appendix to explode but we've been modifying it. You might want to look away. I turned to look at the chair next to me. There was a young boy sitting in it, around my age. He was just laying there completely motionless except for the slow rise and fall of his chest. I felt something cold on the inside of my elbow and smelt alcohol. Then a sharp pain came surging through my body. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. I could feel the liquid running through my veins and I let out a little scream. He shoved the needle point a little bit deeper into my flesh. I tried to squirm away but the chair restrained me.

"Oh fuck it hurts!!" I yelled, squeezing the chair arms with my hands.

"Just relax your muscles and it won't hurt as much." he said. After what felt like an hour of pure pain he extracted the needle and put a little band-aid on the hole it made in my arm. Then he put some cloth over my mouth and I was knocked out cold.


I hoped you guys liked the first chapter!!

Comment please! I want to know if I should continue the story or not..

Love you!! xo

My name is Charlotte, I am 16, and I am a Human Test subject at H.I.T.SWhere stories live. Discover now