Chapter 2

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I woke up again in the small room I call home. I moved a little and pain shot up my arm. I screamed out in pain as I pushed myself to a sitting position. Dried blood made a long red streak down my arm where the syringe had punctured my skin. The band-aid hadn't held in my blood well and

I must've moved around a lot in my sleep. My arm wasn't the only pain I felt though. There was a slight pain on my lower stomach right by my...appendix? OH SHIT! I wasn't sure if that drug Mr. whatshisface gave me was helping, or making it worse. I got worried and went to hold my side but when it made contact with my hand, a sharp pain shot through my lower torso. I lifted up my shirt and screamed when I saw the colour of my skin. It was an orangey colour. I looked at my arms and legs and they were orange too! My breathing got faster and I started to hyperventilate. So here's my situation; I could barely move my arm which started bleeding again, my skin had turned orange because of a drug some stranger tested on me, my appendix is about to possibly explode, and I'm locked in a small room where no one can hear me. I ran over to the door and started banging on it with my good hand. For once, someone opened it.

It was Bruno again. I felt relief for a second but at that moment my appendix exploded inside of me. I fell to the ground writhing in pain. "Why did this have to happen to me?" I screamed while holding my side and trying to control my breathing. Apparently that stuff Mr. whatshisface gave me didn't work and only made it worse. Bruno held me down and lifted up my shirt to reveal a large purple bruise where my appendix had burst, getting bigger by the second.

I grabbed Bruno's arm and looked right into his eyes. They were cold and mean but underneath I could see a bit of concern in them.

"help me.." I whispered to him faintly, giving him a pleading look.

"I'll go get someone to help you, stay here." he replied, running for the hall. "Yeah I don't think I'm going anywhere" I thought in my head. I felt so nauseous, like I could vomit any second now. Then I did, but I haven't had anything to eat for the past day so there wasn't anything to throw up..or so I thought. A ton of blood came bursting from my mouth and it covered the floor and my shirt. I couldn't move an inch, blood just kept coming from my throat without control. There's a moment where you're in so much pain that you don't even feel it anymore and I was there. I heard a faint voice in the distance calling my name but before I could see who it was my vision blurred and I completely blacked out.

I woke up to a quiet beeping sound and looked over to see a heart rate monitor. I felt something brush against my skin and looked down. To my horror there were surgeons operating on me! For some reason I felt no pain though, actually, I felt fantastic.

"Dr. Blamey your patient is awake." one of the doctors said, but it sounded really distant to me. Suddenly 3 of the surgeons started to panic and stuffed the incision with a load of gauze, then it hit me. The pain ripped through my body like wildfire. Actually it felt like I was on fire. I was in so much pain I couldn't even move. A look of pure horror was displayed on "Dr. Blamey's" face. He seemed to be frozen on the spot. I felt hands inside me as the other surgeons tore the gauze out and tried to sew me up but everyone was so panicky they only made it hurt more. I saw this once on Grey's Anatomy thinking that would never happen to me. A person could never come back from that.

I lay there, horrified, motionless, breathless. I felt like I was being stabbed repeatedly. My breathing started to falter and my heart rate went up. When the surgeons finally finished the stitches I started to feel really light-headed. There was a light in my mind, that I could see. I wanted to go to it, feel it's warmth, it's embrace so I started to go towards it.

"Oh shit, she's crashing!" One of the surgeons yelled, but I didn't care. I kept going towards that light though, anything to get away from that hell hole. I was brought back to reality by a sharp pain through my chest.

"OW!!" I complained, opening my eyes. The surgeons all looked relieved because they though I was fine but I really wasn't. Pain surged through me and I was so scared.

A nurse came in and pulled the bed I was in down a hallway. This hallway was different than the others; it had no doors and was the walls were stained with blood. The nurse pushing my bed was an older woman, around 50 or 60 but had a strong build and long arms. She turned into another hallway and through a door that read 'Recovery Room.' The door opened and I let out a little scream. There were all sorts of people here, from children, to old men and women. One man had a burn all the way down his left side. He stared right at me and I saw a small tear escape his eye then he looked away. Going down a little further there was a little girl, she looked to be almost 5, and she had a cast on her leg, arm and neck. Her little tear-stained face looked up at me with hope and courage and I felt lifted and in higher spirits.

"what happened to these poor people?" I whispered under my breath. The nurse parked my bed in between two other beds. In one there was a girl, asleep, with her hands and legs tied to the bed. She was gorgeous though, probably the same age as me, with dark long brown hair and a gorgeous face that and boy would fall for. She was definitely Italian, no doubt. I looked on the other side of me and there he was again.. That boy I saw in the testing room that lay unconscious. He seemed to be in the same state as the first time I saw him but instead this time he was hooked up to a bunch of machines.

My name is Charlotte, I am 16, and I am a Human Test subject at H.I.T.SWhere stories live. Discover now