Chapter 3

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A/N: I'm REALLY REALLY sorry that I havn't uploaded in such a long time! I actually completely forgot about this story because of finals and then i started getting comments (thnx btw :)) and I remebered it but I didn't think anyone was really reading it... so I wrote this to see if anyone was still interested! So plz comment, vote, etc etc.... and sorry I didn't get a chance to edit at all! And it's kinda short too.. I'm not in a very creative state at the moment. Except it get a little violent maybe and wierd :S hope you enjoy!

Chapter 3

"Who is that?" I asked the nurse, pointing to the boy, but when I moved, I got a sharp pain in my side and winced.

"None of your damn business," She replied, "Don't move around or you'll only make the pain worse."

"Great." I mumbled, directing my vision to the ceiling. The nurse left me in the recovery room. I looked at the clock on the wall which read 9:30 pm. I continued to stare at the ceiling until my mind drifted off into thought. I was worried about my family and my friends…how many days have I been stuck here? It had to be at least two. I was starving and my mouth felt dry and salty. The only meal I had had was some kind of mush and a glass of mucky water.

I looked over at the girl in the bed next to mine. She was awake now and was looking quite confused as to where she was.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

The girl blinked at me a couple times then asked, "Where the hell am I? Who are you? What am I doing in here?"

Her voice was a little raspy and I could see he was having a hard time breathing.

I hesitated a bit.

"My name is Charlotte, and you're in the recovery room of H.I.T.S." I whispered, and then taking a deep breath I asked her, "What did they do to you?" I was scared to find out the answer.

"You have to help me, I-I n-n-need..." she trailed off and her eyes rolled back into her head. Her heart rate monitor started beeping like crazy and a male nurse rushed over to her. Suddenly her entire body started shaking violently-she was having a seizure. Terrified, I watched as the nurse undid her hospital gown, exposing her slim torso and chest.

He grabbed the crash cart and yelled, "Clear!" Her chest pulsated as the bolt of electricity sped through her veins into her heart in an attempt to restart it but failed in doing so. He tried again but still, nothing. Tears swelled in my eyes threatening to overflow onto my cheeks. I started praying that she would live, that the third time would be the charm but again it didn't work. I couldn't hold it in any longer, I felt terrible. The tears spilled over and dripped past my cheekbones down to my chin and onto my chest. The monitor turned from a quick beeping to a low, one tone "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" and she was gone. I covered my face and turned my head away, unable to look at the dead body in the bed right next to me. That could be me; laying there, dead, cold, breathless… If H.I.T.S. were to do whatever they did to her to me??? I couldn't bear to think that right now, too much was going on and I started to get dizzy. I felt the blood rush out of my head and I struggled to stay conscious.

Several minutes passed and I still heard nothing but he "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" of the heart rate monitor.

Beep…Beep…Beep… What was that?? It was coming from the monitor next to that girl but she was dead wasn't she? I looked over at her and saw the slight rise and fall of her chest. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around like nothing had just happened. Wtf? I thought she was dead! I looked at her, stunned.  The nurse tending to her previously dead body froze. He looked as if he saw a ghost. I thought so too until she started screaming bloody murder. She harshly pulled against her restraints and her body started writhing from side to side. The nurse just stood there and did nothing. Every other patient in the room just stared, but I saw a little girl who looked about 8 cover her face and look away.

"Do something!" I yelled at the nurse, but he just stood there…. Smiling? He was smiling! I didn't get it at all. These people were heartless monsters.

Foaming blood started to come out of her mouth and dribble down her chin. Then it started coming from her eyes. She let out another blood curdling scream that soon turned to gurgling like she was choking. 

"Can you even hear me?!" I yelled, "Do something to help her!!" I sat up and a rush of pain came over me but I didn't care. I had to do something to save this poor girl. I stood up and everyone watched at I started to shuffle over to her bed. The male nurse looked up and noticed me coming then motioned for the guards to come. I kept moving. I brought my hand to where my incision was when another wave of pain came shooting through me and but I kept moving.

Even though her bed was right next to mine it seemed like it was 5 miles away. The guards came and picked me up, one holding my arms and the other holding my legs. I thrashed around but it was no use. They were holding on so tight that I started to lose feeling in my feet and hands. They brought me over to my bed and held me still while a nurse bound my arms and legs to the bed.

I started to swear at her and called her names so she reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of grey, stained cloth then shoved the middle in my mouth and tied the ends around the back of my head. I struggled against the restraints but it was no use. The cloth tasted like mold and dirt so vomit started to come up my throat, I sucked it up and swallowed it back down. I gave her a dirty look and she stuck her tongue out at me and walked away. How fucking mature of her. 

I looked over at the girl beside me but she was gone. Well, her entire bed was gone... when did that even happen? I figured i'd have to find out her physical state next time I see her - if we ever meet again.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2011 ⏰

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My name is Charlotte, I am 16, and I am a Human Test subject at H.I.T.SWhere stories live. Discover now