I woke up unsettled, I stayed like this for awhile before I finally got up. It was an hour past midnight, I walked down the street and to the rooftop of the school. This has been my go-to place to think. Why aren't I dead? All those dreams seemed to be so real! Why didn't they just kill me? I asked myself. I keep asking myself why, the moon was right above me. I dread my wings out and layed on the soft feathers. My heart rate went up a bit I didn't know why, I shifted a bit and felt somthing. I shot up and looked at where I was laying, flowers and vines had grown underneath me. Did I do this? I asked myself. I layed my fingers down on the ground and relaxed, a rose grew between my fingers. Then i noticed I could see my folded wings in the corner of my eye. My wings had grown as well, I got way to excited. I rose my wings far above my head, and shot them down. My body flew up into the air way higher than I expected, I flapped my wings a couple times in synch so I didn't fall, I saw buildings, companies, restaurants, even the hospital. I flew a while when I saw a burning building, police, but no fire trucks yet. I made myself invisible and flew down, to see Daz and a blonde woman.
"Please help her!" The woman sobbed
"Sarah is in there listen to Kate!" Daz screamed
"We are doing the best we can sir" a police said
I knew what was going on, Sarah could die. I walked in unnoticed avoiding any fire I could, Sarah was trapped in a corner. I made myself visible and grabbed Sarah as the burning wood replaced her spot, she looked up at me her arm and cheek were burn't she was covered in ashes.
"S-Sam? What are you doing here?! If you get caught you'll lose your powers!" Sarah said
"I don't care... you are more important" I said
I picked her up wrapping my wings around her trying to protect her as much as possible. When I walked out everyone turned to me everything went silent, I opened my wings revealing Sarah. Sarah jumped out of my grasp and into her parents arms, the chief of police ran after over to me. I panicked as reporters followed him, I covered my face trying to hide.
"Here we have a teenage girl with wings that saved the daughter of Darren Black famous for making YouTube videos... do you have anything to say about your accomplishment?" A reporter asked me
"I lost my powers over her life, to be honest I never would have asked for wings from the start" I said still hiding my face
"What's your name?" The chief asked
I had no choice but to uncover my face, Daz was standing behind the camera and he looked shocked to see my face. I mouth I 'hi' and waved, I was known for my YouTube videos and Twitter quotes not this.
"My name is Samantha Ann McLouglin proud daughter of Singe and Seán McLouglin" I said
"What made you think you could get away from me?!" A voice said from behind me
"What?" I asked
"You fucking bitch!" The voice said
"What are you talking about?!" I asked
"I'm your demon... you can never escape me" the voice said
"Ma'am who are you talking to" the reporter asked
Before they could say anything else, I rose my wings and slammed them down full force making me go high in the sky. People will be after me now, I never asked for this. I know im a failure, my baby was two weeks late already. I was kinda disappointed, I made my way to the ground and started walking. Was that worth it? I mean of course it was... right? A pain shot through my stomach as a liquid went down my leg. I tried to fly but I couldn't, I walked to the hospital which was 3 miles from where I was. Once I got there, and to the front desk I passed out.
I woke up in a hospital bed, my wings were on my back still. Which confused me, wasn't it day? Tim walked in with his pink wings on, tear stained his face.
"Tim what's going on?" I asked
"You had twins and both were healthy, but you..." He trailed off
"I what?" I asked
"The fire affected your health so um... you have to stay here for a while" Tim said
"What?! No I need to see my children!! I need to be with you, Dad and Mark!! THEY CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! UNLESS THEY WANT ME TO DIE! BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE THE ONLY THING HOLDING ME HERE!!!" I screamed
"I know" Tim said softly
He then left without another word, he was keeping somthing from me. I couldn't take this bullshit anymore, I unplugged the wires from my body and limped over to the medicine cabinet and grabbed two bottles of pills, I opened them and swallowed them both. I got back into the bed, leaving myself there to die. The last thing I saw was Tim holding two baby's one a girl and the other a boy with a pink eye and the other green the same with tiny wings. I cried as I closed my eyes, I no longer felt pain. But I felt my guilt running through me, with Tim's sorrow.
Now I was walking into a white light, I saw my ma. I ran twoards her, pulling her into a embrace. I then broke down into her arms, I did a terrible thing to my dad, Mark, Tim, Max, Chase, my children. And I'll never see there faces again.
I'm sorry guys I know this is short but I had to go ahead and end it. I busy with school now and I can't write all the time like I used to. Sorry!

Never Alone
FanficSam has never belived in herself, until she moved. Her dad jacksepticeye moves to L.A. to be neighbors with his best friend, she thinks she is alone, until she meets Tim. They both find out a secrect that they have