A 'Fresh Start'

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My name is Violet. Violet Heathen

I'm 15 years old and moved to the town of Bathory about 2 weeks ago .

I have always been an 'outcast' judged, and pushed around by almost all I met. My mother and father argued about me 'not-fitting-in' and strained to make me try. I refused. They thought moving away and starting fresh would help.

They're wrong.

My father eventually got sick of us. Me, to be exact. And left.

So now my mother,my sister Teri and I are living in the tiny town known as, Bathory.

It's taken her 2 weeks to get all of our stuff settled. I'm supposed to start school here tomorrow . I begged my mom to let me go to school until Monday because who goes to their first day of school on a Friday? Apparently I do.


"Can you not." my mom said harshly.

I was kicking my heels against the sofa. I stopped and proceeded with slapping the sides of the coffee table.

She looked up from her notebook and calculator to glare at me. I stopped mid-table-drum-solo.

"Go see if you can find someone your age to go talk to." she said impatiently, and then returned to her notebook.

I slipped into my gray-oversized hoodie and ran up the stairs to what was now 'my room'.

My bed was crammed up to one corner on the wall next to a big walk out window. On the wall opposite to that is my drawer/ dresser and on the wall with the door is a walk-in-closet.

I didn't pick it.

I took out my laptop and scrolled through wasting time. Some time later my mother yells at me to go to bed.

I flopped onto my bed its smells like..dust I sit up coughing. I glance momentarily at my window. And then I guess I drifted to sleep.


I walk up to the doors of Bathory High. I hate this. Every second.

I walk past some group of kids dressed fully in black talking about some ancient burial ground..or a possessed church..I couldn't catch on quite right.I was too busy adjusting the straps of my black and blue backpack.

I stopped to pull my crumpled schedule from my pocket.

Mr. Craig, English.

I slipped by through the halls finding the room. I pried the door open, took a deep breath and stepped in.

I felt the piercing stares as I stepped closer to the center of the room.

A man with a purple tinged suit almost greeted me.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Violet, Heathen." I say softly.

"Heathen.." He repeats scanning a page.

"I-Im new.." I stammer. A look of understanding flashes over him briefly.

"Oh, Well in that case welcome Violet. Im Mr.Otis, Take a seat wherever you like."

Great. A substitute, I would have to explain my life story again tomorrow.

I scan the room. I notice an empty seat in the back. Behind a guy with long midnight-colored hair. As I walk closer I notice he glances at me very briefly before I take my seat behind him.

Mr.Otis started talking about some assignment which I'm guessing was previously assigned..

"Violet." he called. "Here is your topic, any work you do will be taken as extra credit..Projects are due Monday people, get to work." I merely nodded and unfolded the slip of paper Mr.Otis gave me.


I looked around, everyone chattered everyone but the kid in front of me.

I noticed he pulled out a leather-bound book on the cover was a design of three slashes encased by parenthesis.. when he touched his palm to it. It glowed, giving of a soft purple light, where his skin had come in contact with the cover I gasped. I didn't mean to, it was soft almost inaudible.

He turned quickly. His eyes were a deep purple.

"Whoa. Your eyes.." I say without thinking..he blinks slowly. The purple is gone, replaced by a deep ebony.

"What about them." he looks into my eyes. I look away for a second..

"No, it's nothing. Sorry." I say and look down. He turns attempting to hide the book on his lap but, Mr. Otis still catches it. He walked over and snatches the book away. Mr. Otis pages trough. "Vladimir, see me after class. " he turns on his heel and slams the book.

Vladimir, his name is Vladimir.


A/N: I'm so exited for this story more than the others. After reading The Chronicles Of Vladimir Tod I fell in love with Vlad so this happened I look forward to this story and I hope you all stay with me while I write this.Thank you oh and don't forget to





-Charlie The Unicorn

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